Chapter 71.

"Xiao Fan, buddy, are you back?" - Murong Xun smiled as Xiao Fan came in. "I couldn't find time to come in the other day, today I found a minute. I thought I'd come to see you on purpose. Thank you so much for saving our Yu's life that day."

"Please don't be thankful!" - Xiao Fan laughed.

At that time, Lin Zhentian and a few other people, hearing voices, also came from the office.

When Xiao Fan saw Xiao Fan's face changed a few shades, however, he said with his characteristic smile: "Xiao Fan, son, come in and eat with us!"

"Come on, come on, come on! Dude, it's almost 2:00, dinner will be ready soon. We'll be waiting for you alone!" Murong Xun smiled too and took Xiao Fan to the kitchen. "Sit down at the table, let's chat!"

"Yes, of course!" - Xiao Fan smiled a little as he walked into the kitchen.

Several people came in at once and sat down at the table one after another.

Linh Hueru and Yuu also left their rooms, and the first, barely seeing the look of Xiao Fan from the back, rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

"Xiao Fan, brother, relax. I've already disarmed this Zhou Heishan and I guarantee he'll never touch you again."

Murong Xun, as soon as he started eating, folded his sticks and laughed:

"There's an addition to the Murong firm!"

Xiao Fan nodded his head.

"What a humble man! You saved the life of our Yuu, and for our family, this noble act is of great importance. Okay, it's nothing. Now if you, my friend, have any problems, just give me a hint. And I, Murong Xun, will never be able to say no to you."

Xiao Fan looked into Murong Xun's eyes and smiled silently.

Murong Xun never compared himself with Lee Zhentiang or Xu Daehu: Lin Zhentiang by nature is not very talkative, and Xu Daehu, though he was passionate, but always spoke briefly, in conscience and without a hitch. I mean, he wasn't the kind of guy who could give away his whole background in conversation.

And Murong Xun isn't. Now he wasn't so nice because he saved Yuya himself, but rather because he appreciated his own medical skills. And he thought he could take advantage of Xiao Fan's high position in the future. That was the reason for his courtesy.

The whole ceremony, the large number of eyes, the communication with people... In a word, it's boring!

"Our friend Xiao Fan has such knowledge in medicine... "You can think of... ...a promotion?" - ...has already begun to feel the soil of Murong Xun...

"No hunting!" - shook Xiao Fan's head. He unraveled Murong Xun's thought process and started making fun of it. "I'm a character who likes to act alone, and I'm not interested in being somebody's doctor! And besides, I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough!"

Xiao Fan picked up his drink, killed it a little and smiled.

"How so?" - Murong Xun's eyes sparkled with surprise. But he didn't mind, just smiled. "Dear Xiao Fan, you're a skilled doctor. "I see, everyone has pride, it's natural. I guess you just don't know whose name I'll give you the letter of recommendation from. This man..."

"Whoever it is, I'm not interested!" - interrupted him Xiao Fan by shaking his head.

"Excuse me, I crossed the line. Please be lenient. I apologize to you. Well, for you!" He saw Xiao Fan answering without a shadow of a doubt. In fact, Murong Xun wasn't a bit confused either. At that moment, he laughed loudly, picked up a glass and drank it in a volley.

The pleasant atmosphere at the table began to slowly fade away!

"Murong, what did the results of that poisoned man show?" - tried to change the subject from Lin Zhentian.

"Nothing was found!" - shook Murong Xun's head. There was a face of despair on his face.

"And no one will help?" - Xu Daehu was curious.

"I found one, but it turned out he was already dead. "And there wasn't anybody close to him, either. That's when the thread broke." Murong Xun's look filled with amazing light, but he smiled as usual.

"Now there's nothing to be done!" - shook Lin Zhentian's head.

"I'll find out later!" - Murong Xun smiled. "Eventually, Xiao Fan should be thanked again for extending a helping hand!"

Xiao Fan just laughed.

"Come on, come on, come on! Murong, one more together!" - said cheerfully to Xu Daeku by holding out a glass.

"Okay!" - when he lifted his, he smiled back at Murong Xu Shun.

Once again, the welcoming atmosphere of the feast reigned.


At the same time, in one of Beijing's courtyards...

...a neat scar on his face. The cold charm of treacherous eyes filled with evil. A woman vamp stood next to an old man bent at his front garden, and with a chilling voice said:

"Number 77 has been destroyed. Numbers 78 and 79 are still in Jiangzhou City. What are the instructions?"

It's as if the old man didn't hear the woman's words while he was still taking care of the flowers.

She stood motionless behind the old man's back with an expression full of indifference, and she never said a word again.

For a very long time!

Finally, the old man straightened and the cheerfulness evaporated from his face instantly. A terrible grin arose in her place.

"I order numbers 61, 62 and 63 to go to Jiangzhou and take the object from Murong Xun within 10 days. Numbers 78 and 79 will return to base for retraining!"

"Yes, sir!" - A woman answered coldly.

"Here's another thing: who is this young man who managed to defeat the poison of seven insects and seven herbs at Murong Yu?" - asked the old man, sitting in a wicker chair. He took a cup of tea, took a small sip and waited for an answer without raising his head.

"Xiao Fan, a native of Huahai city. Xiao Feng's father, Cheng Qinshue's mother and Xiao Wen's younger brother. The family lives in..." - ...the woman continued.

The old man listened quietly. He was calm himself.

"However, that's all I could find about him in the last five years!" Having said that, she took a pause. "Five years ago, he suddenly went missing, and no one could find him. So he was declared officially dead by his family and the police, with his identity revoked in the propiska system." - She added coldly.

"And now?" - asked the old man with his eyes closed.

"It's been too little time. There's very little information about him at the moment, we need to keep looking. However, the only thing we know about him is that he's with Xiao Yao."

"Xiao Yao?" - the old man opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows. "Why is he with him for the same thing?"

"I don't know." - the woman answered.

The old man said nothing more when he fell into his thoughts.

"This man was temporarily incomprehensible where, you shouldn't waste time on him!" Suddenly, the old man continued: "Now we're wasting our energy on another thing. We need to concentrate all our energy here, not spray it."

"Bring it to everyone! Hurry up, we need to collect all the items as soon as possible. Anyone who fails to meet the deadline... ...will be killed!"

The old man's look was cold as a knife blade.

"Yes, sir!" - ...answered the woman.

"Get going!"

The woman said not a word and turned around.

"Xiao Fan?"

"It's not a bad thing to face and deal with the poison of seven insects and seven herbs compiled by Du Wang's team for the first time. That's interesting, that's interesting."

"Except, unfortunately, Chen Moon's plan is about to come true and we shouldn't delay. Otherwise, I would like to see for myself what this young man Xiao Fan is capable of. Will he have enough knowledge to be a pawn in my hands?"

"Missing for five years?"

"Funny. What is this place where in such a short period of time, within 5 years, you could turn an ordinary man into a master of herbs, which is better than Du Wang?"

The old man closed his eyes and went on to think.