Materializing One's Power 1 (Edited)

Lila went back to her room after they talked, she had to get ready for tomorrow's 'strolling' in the Capital with Yanhe. She has some doubts about her activity tomorrow, she doesn't understand but she also doesn't like Yanhe and she doesn't trust him.

"Oh well, let's see what will happen tomorrow." she said.

Instead of going into her room, she went to the back where there's a lot of small trees and flowers. Her place was really big, aside from the small pavilion with fishpond at the side, there's also a garden with flowers and small trees.

She went inside to the small trees and found a place where she can sit down.

After she settled down, cross-legged, she observed her body. "Let see, as what I gathered from the memories of 'Lila' and the novel I've read there are certain levels of power here in this world. I'm not sure what level this girl is." she said.

In this realm, it has 7 kinds of spirit power, it categorizes on 7 colors like a rainbow determining a person's power. Starting from Red spirit power which is the starting point upgrading to orange spirit power, yellow spirit power, green spirit power, blue spirit power, indigo spirit power and violet spirit power which is the Apex level power.

It also has subsidiary stages which are Initial stage, mid-stage and peak stage. And that subsidiary stage was also divided to primary level, secondary level, tertiary level and final level.

A person can also learn one magic, depending on the person's ability he can have either fire, water, air, rock, so on and so forth. There's also a black magic which only evil person's cultivate which gives the person inability to raise his power once he reaches a certain level.

Having a higher level, it will give you more opportunities, extended life span and you will be valued because in this realm they revere a strong person.

But not all can cultivate higher spirit power, there are still a lot of commoners, especially poor ones who were stuck on primary level Initial stage Red spirit power in their lifetime.

They can only live as normal people under the protection of their Emperor, sometimes these common folks will be targeted by stronger ones that's why they can only live within the shell.

There are also some who persevere to be stronger that's why they go out on an adventure or be a beast hunter, alchemist, blacksmith, etc., to level up their spirit power. And most powered ones were the nobles, the imperial family, higher rank soldiers, ministers, etc that had more opportunity and good fortune.

Just like her father, Kadi was already at the final level peak stage of Blue spirit power and was now working to break through to Indigo spirit power. He has metal as his magic and he can turn things into metal if he wants to.

Lila doesn't really want to cultivate or have power, what she really wanted was to learn how this world economy works so that she can make money and be rich in this realm. Though her 'father' was rich but she knows that it's not hers and she wanted to stand on her own and be independent.

She knows that she's not supposed to be in this world and 'Lila' at this time was supposed to be out of the picture. So for the last few days she studied a lot about this world economy, found her target market and would start as soon as possible. She will then find an opportunity to fake her death in this world and live in a faraway place to start a new life.

She also knew that the previous owner had a poor constitution though she acted fierced in front of other people but she knew that she has a weak body and cannot cultivate more because it will affect her weak body.

Lila laughed at the thought of cultivating and having power. Who knew that a simple girl like her, who only strategized, predicted the market flow of business and made action plans and theories has now had a chance to learn magic and gain power?

It's really new to her and though she's at a loss on the first day she was transported to this realm, by the time she studied and learned more about this realm. She learned some things like how to materialize the spirit power in the palm to know what kind of spirit power she has, ways to cultivate and how to know what kind of magic a person has.

Though those were theories she gathered about gaining power, she wanted to try it out. Initially she rejected that thought because she only wants a simple life but with the world she's in right now being simple and normal was not possible.

She can only think of the Strange Prince, at this moment the Prince should already be at the final level mid-stage of Yellow spirit power and still advancing towards the peak stage of the Yellow spirit power making him number one genius.

He was really valued by the Emperor, though the Strange Prince was the youngest amongst the 5 children of the Emperor. He was the most talented and skilled among the 3 Princes.

He was also the only child of the Empress, that's why when he was not born yet. Concubine Lenet, the daughter of the Prime Minister, asked for help from her father to get rid of the Prince. She was scared that it threatened her son's candidacy of achieving the throne. Her son was the first born Prince and she wanted her son to be the next Emperor.

They tried ways to have the Empress lose the baby but every time they executed the plan it would flop or be found out. Concubine Lenet was very desperate at that time that's why her father reached out to the black witch.

That time, the witch stormed into the palace that turned the palace upside down and almost killed the Empress. Because the witch was unsuccessful in killing the mother and the child, she casted the curse on the baby in her womb.

By the time that the baby will reach 20 years old, his body will slowly deteriorate. What level of power the Prince will achieve, it will slowly eat his life force and by the age of 30 he will die.

The poor Prince was already convicted with his life though he was still not born. The Emperor and the Empress looked for a cure to save their baby. Invited a lot of shamans to break the curse but unfortunately they're unsuccessful.

Because of this, the Empress was so sad and it took a toll on her body. That's why after she gave birth, she fell into sickness and had a hard time coming out on her bed. The boy was born healthy and well. Since he is the only child of his beloved Empress, the emperor dotted the 5th Prince the most, also he protected it from his enemies.

Going back to her situation, at her age she was supposed to learn enhancing and materializing magic, she also supposed to start cultivating to increase her spirit power.

At the age of 12, young teens started to realize their magic and condense their spirit power. By the time they reach that stage they will start to cultivate and focus on enhancing power.

Some young teens from powerful families have masters to help them with their cultivation. There were also sects who will accept talented young ones and be their disciples.