Not part of the plot 1

Lila sighed, doesn't know what to do with this guy but she has a lot of questions for him. When she looked at the young man, the young man was wearing white robe and had light purple hair.

She guessed that this young man was around 16-17 yrs old and what caught her attention was the young man was like a spirit or ghost.

"Who are you?" she asked the young man.

The young man answered right away, "I am Amith, a humble swordsman who bowed to be your servant for all eternity. I've been waiting for you for a thousand years for my mistress to be awakened. With your power, I've been slumbered for a very long time and will be awakened once you materialize your power. Even if it is still in a weak state, as long as I can feel your aura I will be awakened immediately."

"Ermm… Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not your mistress, I don't have any memories of you and I am not the original owner of this body. I am just transported to this place, I am not from this realm." Lila interrupted, telling the truth to this young man.

She doesn't understand why but she felt comfortable spilling the beans to this young man. She believed that she could trust this guy and will help her more in this realm.

But wait, Lila doesn't remember any Amith name included in the novel. Does this mean that the story really changed since she came?

Amith raised his head a little to look at his mistress and bowed his head again.

"I totally understand that you might not remember me or the past of my mistress. It has been so long and with your reincarnation for so many times and to different realms, you might have forgotten your past. No worries, now that I am here, I will be by your side and will not leave you. I may be a spirit right now but with the passage of time and with you increasing your power, enough that you can travel outside this continent I will bring you back  to Highland to retrieve your rightful place." Amith said.

"Wait, what?" Lila was speechless. That's too much information and she's having a hard time absorbing it. 'This is really getting out of hand.' she thought.

Amith continued, "My physical body was at the southern part of this continent. A thousand years ago, when you were escaping from enemy assaults I was supposed to be dead but you came back and hid my body using the remaining power you had. Only you can expel the magic you casted and I can get my body back."

Lila blankly stared at the young man, the left side of her mouth twitching, doesn't know how to react.

'This is not part of the plot!!!!!!!!!' she screamed in her mind.

Amith, not realizing the dilemma Lila was experiencing at this time just continued with his speech,

"Even though I am in a slumber state I am aware of the changes of this continent. With the last words you said that you will come back one day, I waited for you my Mistress. I have faith in you that you will come back, even if it lasts for a thousand years I am glad that you are finally back."

Lila organized her thoughts and stood up, approaching the young man.

"Stand up." she said.

Amith followed her order and stood up. When the young man finally stood up, he was taller than Lila, like 7 inches taller than her.

'Damn, this guy's taller than me.' she thought. She had to raise her head to look at the young man's face.

The young man's face was so beautiful that you can mistake him for a girl. His beauty was like one of the most famous actors in her generation.

Nicely arched eyebrows, almond eyes, long pointed nose and downward-turned apple colored lips. She bet that in his prime this guy broke a lot of young maiden hearts. He has also a mole on the right side, near his right eye adding more points on his handsomeness.

Lila coughed twice to dispel the awkwardness she felt, she then turned towards the side table and sat on the chair properly.

"Aheem… So, Amith, what you were saying is that I am….." Lila confusedly asked.

"Your soul was the reincarnation of Lord Layla, the strongest Empress of Highland." Amith answered.

Lila was dumbstruck, he mentioned her soul, does he mean her very own soul not the other Lila?

She asked a lot of questions to Amith about the Highland and the Southern part that he mentioned, as she knew that this Empire was located at the North-West part of the continent. She never thought that this continent was so big and they were only at the tiny part of it.

She wanted to know who this Layla was and how she was connected to her. For her, reincarnation was only a fantasy, a fiction that she read on wuxia novels and other fantasy books. She never thought that she might be a reincarnation of someone. That's really unbelievable.

She missed Sandy, if only her friend was here and heard this guy said she will surely freak out and call this guy insane.

But everything that was happening to her was simply inconceivable, if she doesn't have a strong mind and will, she already jumped off the cliff to wake up in this dream.

Amith answered promptly and provided detailed information. Though some of those were foreign to Lila but she still got the gist of it. The good part was that she now has a helper.

The young man imparted information on her, about upgrading her spirit power, cultivation techniques, etc. Also Amith asked her about her power level and what magic she had right now. And Lila showed him her Spirit Power but she's not aware of her magic yet.

Amith was not in a hurry to find it out, he's confident that this young girl in front of him will become great in the future because his Mistress was once the strongest woman at her time.

His mistress might not remember anything as of this moment but he believed that in the right time she will remember everything. When that time comes, he is sure that his Mistress will turn the Highland upside down and will kill the ones who betrayed his Mistress.

Amith's thoughts brought him back a thousand years ago when he did not meet Lord Layla yet. At that time, he was only a lonely swordsman who's arrogant and never bowed to anyone.

With his skills of swords and fast speed, he killed a lot of powerful people. He just thought of them as ants and killed anyone who went against his way. He never put anyone's eyes up until he was cornered and almost lost his life.

Hanging by a thread, he was saved by a young lady who came. He saw how she single-handedly killed those people who ambushed him and stood in front of him after she killed everyone asking him if he's still alive.

With his prideful attitude he just scoffed and looked at her with disdain but what shocked him was that the young lady just laughed and put a pill in his mouth.

When the pill melted in his mouth he slowly regained his strength. But instead of thanking her, he attacked her instead but was defeated in a short amount of time. The young lady only smiled after pinning him on the ground and said, "I can see in your heart that you are not a bad person and also you are strong, how about just follow me instead?"

Amith did not approve but the young lady just dragged him to follow her on her journey. He found out that his enemy was her target and he's lucky that she came at the right time.

He did not acknowledge her at first but in the long run when he observed her power and skills. Also the way she approached and handled the people around her, the way she saved anyone who needs her help and her kindness towards them. He acknowledged her and bowed to be his servant.

His Mistress had a vast knowledge and skills that helped not only him but also the people who followed her to improve their strengths.

Her smile always gave happiness to people around her, even when facing stronger enemies or monsters. When she kills, she always wears a smile like she's only killing an animal. It looks scary and gives chills to the bones but at the same time it gives them an assurance that everything will be alright.