Trouble 2

Magus moved forward and faced Yanhe. "It was me who started the trouble, this little guy right here was not included." Magus said, trying to protect Lila.

"Oh really? But it seems that you two are together, now tell me something to spare him." Yanhe didn't want to spare the young man beside Magus, he was really pissed at this moment because he couldn't find Lila.

He already had his men look around to find her but she was not yet found. Never thought that the girl he's looking at was already in front of him. And because of this, he wanted to vent out his frustration.

A yellow colored glow illuminated his body and an ice sword came out from his right hand. He then went forward to attack the young man but he was intercepted by Magus. They exchanged blows and their moves were so fast, it's hard to see in normal eyes.

"You're quite skilled." Yanhe commented. They exchanged several blows but because Magus was on lower level than Yanhe. Even if he's skilled he cannot defeat Yanhe.

At the same time, the guards also started to move and attacked Lila. With the self defense moves she learned from martial arts class she enrolled before she used it to defend herself. A dark red glow illuminated her body and she made a move on them.

"Mistress, try to make an attack move and I will assist you." Amith said.

Lila focused on her attacker's moves, evading the upcoming sword to her, she bent down and gathered momentum to strike the attacker's jaws.

She clenched her fist and lifted it up to throw a punch but a wind was gathered in her fist. It landed on the man's jaw and he flew up in circles with a snap on his neck.

The man fell to the ground, dead with a broken neck. Lila paused as she was her first time killing someone. She was scared and her hands were trembling.

"My Mistress move!" Amith shouted.

Lila returned to reality and she reorganized her thoughts. It was not the right time to blank out as her life was in danger.

She picked up the sword and swung it to counter attack. A series of moves flowed to her mind and she beautifully executed the moves.

With every swing of the sword, it creates a sharp wind blade that the attackers will cut and have deep gashes on their bodies.

She defeated her attackers one by one and afterwards she assisted Magus to defeat Yanhe. Magus, who's already worn out, tried to persevere but his enemy was really strong.

Lila saw Magus' condition, swung her sword and a wind gust flew towards Yanhe. Feeling a strong power coming towards him, Yanhe separated himself and moved out at the attack range.

He was almost cut by it and it left a deep cut when it reached the ground. Yanhe can't help but think that if he does not evade that move, he will get hurt or worse be killed.

He looked at Lila with disbelieving eyes, a Primary level Peak stage of Red spirit power only and can execute that kind of move? 'This guy is not ordinary.' he thought.

Lila ran towards Magus and helped him to stand, Magus was panting heavily and looked really weak. This guy has exhausted all his spirit essence to fight Yanhe but still it was not enough to defeat him.

Lila was cautious, she stared at Yanhe waiting for his next move. She was not confident to defeat this guy but she will do her best just to keep themselves alive.

Yanhe also stared at the young man in front of him, judging from his looks he was not from the Capital. Though he dressed plain but he can tell from his aura that he comes from a well-off family.

He looked around and he saw a group of ten people lying on the ground, some were breathing and some were dead. He can't believe that this weak looking young man defeated a total of 10 people.

He had to be careful with this young man, if he made a wrong move he might lose his life. So he dissolved his ice sword, put a smile on his face and said:

"I don't want to drag this any longer. I just came here to collect what was supposed to be due. Young friend, I want no trouble. This is only business, if you pay up then I'll not bother you anymore." Yanhe said in a nice tone.

Hearing his words, Lila perked up. "How much do we have to pay?" she guardedly asked.

"Oh, just a small amount. 200 silver coins." he answered and then smiled.

200 silver coins was not a small amount. 1 silver coin is equivalent to 10 copper coins, so 10 copper coins multiply by 200 silver coins that would be equivalent to 2000 copper coins.

That's a really big amount for a commoner, no wonder Magus's old man was not able to pay up as soon as possible.

"That's a lot!" she cried out.

Yanhe, without changing his expression, said: "A penalty for paying late was included in that amount." he remarked.

Though 200 silver coins was only a small amount for Lila because aside from the dead 'Lila's' saved money. His father Kadi gave her a lot of money before she left.

She really felt bad for Magus, how come there is such a scum like Yanhe's family who unjustly charges the poor businessman?

She looked at Magus who already passed out due exhaustion and sighed.

For the sake of ending their conversation and getting rid of Yanhe, Lila gets 20 gold coins to her spatial ring. She tossed it to Yanhe and the young master was able to catch it.