It's You 4

This young man really knows how to get on her nerves. The young man just laughed, he really loved to tease this female like man.

His reaction was priceless and it has been a while since he laughed hard.

Lila just 'hmmmp' and gave him food and water for breakfast before they left the place. Lila assisted the young man because he still couldn't still 'walk' properly.

The young man found out that he's only unconscious for more than 12 hours, that's why he's confused as to why he's already healed.

He knew that he was badly injured yesterday. He had to investigate this mysterious female like man who helped him and healed him at a fastest time, he knows that no one in the Lowerland can do something like that.

That's the reason why he acted weak so that this young man will not leave as soon as possible.

"By the way Mr. Saviour, I don't have your name yet. Can you tell me your name?" he asked while they're walking slowly.

Lila was holding his waist with her right hand and his left hand was around her neck to her left shoulder. Assisting the young 'injured' man, she answered:

"My name is Lel, I am a traveller from a faraway place and ventured the Capital to get more experience." she repeated her alibi on what she said to Magus before.

"Ahhh…. a traveller, so how old are you? Are you travelling alone? Why did you choose Capital to visit, are you a healer or something?" he bombarded her with questions.

With the last question, Lila was stunned a little but she regained her senses back and shook her head.

"I am not a healer, my magic is to manipulate the wind and know how to concoct medicines as what my clan taught me.

I visited the Capital because I heard that it has this forest which has a denser spirit essence. I want to advance. That's why I am here, I am travelling alone and I am 14 years old." Lila answered backwards.

"Oh, so you came from a clan of medicinal practionists then. What's your family name? And where are you located?" the young man asked again, though he already noticed Lila's reaction earlier but he just didn't let her see the glint in his eyes.

No one knows what was on his mind at that moment.

Lila can't help but be irritated with this guy's questions, 'Is he interrogating me?'

"Last name is Shingha and for the rest of your questions, I am not oblige the answer you." Lila answered in a monotonous tone.

"You're so stingy. I just want to know my benefactor more." he said.


He keeps on asking questions but Lila just brushes him off, not answering or talking back to him until he shut up.

They continued their journey, Lila had to find the waterfall because that was her destination.

As what she had heard and the information she gathered; near the waterfall, there's a cave that has the densest spirit essence which can help cultivators advance their spirit power level faster.

But also it was very dangerous and hard to enter as it has a beast living there.

While on a journey, she gave the young man pills and medicines for faster 'recovery.' After a day and a half she no longer assisted the young man as he can walk on his own.

She's been looking for a water source so that she can get clean water to drink and also to wash herself up.

She was so strict with hygiene in her previous world, she always took a bath before and after work and whenever she felt sweaty. In this world though even if you don't take a bath as long as you cultivate it will help you clean and you won't get smelly.

But for Lila that's really a different story, she already missed her tub and now's willing to jump into the water to clean herself up.

The problem is, there's this guy who's currently following her.

She stopped and turned around to face the young man following her, "Aren't you tired following me? You are now back in good shape so I believe it's now time for you to leave."

"Ouch! How cruel of you to chase your patient away. You seem to be going to a dangerous place, you might need my help in time and also I believe we both have the same destination." he said.

"Oh really? So how did you know where I am going? And how can you help me?" she scoffed.

"The path that we've been taking for the past few days was going to the most inner part of the forest that has a cave near the waterfall.

If my deduction is right, I do believe that the cave is your destination, am I correct?" he said with a smile.

Lila was stunned with the young man's declaration, she just nodded and continued her steps. She doesn't mind if this guy's following her since they both have the same destination as it seems.

Whatever he wanted to do in that place she didn't mind, what she wanted right now was to reach the cave so she can continue with her cultivation.

She aimed to break through to Orange Spirit Power level as soon as possible.

They had a smooth sailing journey within the past two days, she doesn't understand why but it is supposed to have a lot of beasts roaming around at this point.