Chapter 43. Reason

With his willful and wayward personality, he can do things he wanted to but there are things as of this moment that restricted him to do so. Romance can wait as he knows that he can make this young lady fall for him again but not right now.

He will take the chance to be with her but he will not forget the things he had to do first before they can finally live happily together.

Mikael just released Lila from his hug afterwards, Lila's face was so dark that she felt like killing this man in front of her. Sigh, this guy, if not teasing her, he's actions were bold too.

This man is so brazen, even if she already revealed her real identity, he's not scared at all that his action will kill him. Lila just sighed, though sometimes this guy acts weird she still felt his kindness.

So it's much better to just ignore him, all in all she can consider this guy as her first friend in this world and also he saved her. As long as he never does outrageous offense, she just thinks of him as her close friend.

Sometimes, having a male friend is much better than having girl friends who will just backstab you. Like a snake, so nice and friendly when they're in front of you but will talk bad words about you when you are not around.

She knew a lot, not just previous owner Lila's experience but also hers. That's the reason why she only had Sandy as her best friend, not a two-faced b*tch but will support and was true to her.

'Sigh, I really miss Sandy.'

Lila introduces him to Magus. Magus with his happy-go-lucky attitude was happy to meet Lila's friend. But he's kinda scared of the way this man looked at him.

Magus was really chummy with Lila but with this guy's dangerous glare, he can only put a distance between him and her.

They ate and Magus had to serve his own food because Mikael already sat in his place and ate what Lila served earlier.

"I never thought that the young miss of Shingha household knows how to cook. This is the first time I eat this, what is it called?" says Mikael.

"Yeah Lel, it's so delicious that the food served at the famous restaurant here in Capital fails in comparison." Magus chimed in.

"It's called One-horned demon beast meat braised rice bowl. You can also use port meat, chicken, etc., but I never thought that the beast meat works perfect as the main ingredient with this dish. I just thought of making it."

I can't tell you it's one of the dishes I tasted from my previous world though, she thought.

"Whoa, you're so amazing Lel! You can start your own business in the food industry with your cooking skills!" said Magus.

"Then why I don't see any servants or guards with you? Especially, you've just survived from assasination. Aren't you scared that someone will find your location and kill you?" Mikael drop the question.

"It's not that I'm not scared but with the recent ambush, I believe the culprit would not make any moves on me yet. They had to lay-low first until the news died and we got complacent before they strike.

So I have to get strong first before they strike, I don't want to be the same weak Lila that can't protect myself."

"So that's the reason why you disguise yourself as a man to train in a secluded forest."

Lila nodded, she had to have the strength first to mobilize her father's hidden guards.

'Though they're loyal and respectful to my father, I know they disdain my weak strength and my not-so-good reputation.'

That's why after her fruitful encounter at the secluded forest she has confidence to get their trust and respect. Lila's killer was not an ordinary man and easy to be trifled with.

Even if she told her father about it, it will not do any good because of how deep the Prime Minister rooted his post.

She needed to be extra careful and she needed people that can be trusted the most. And with her observation from the time she transcended, though she cannot see these hidden guards but she can feel their presence at home sometimes.

"Lel did not disguise herself as a man to train, she had to do it because of that noble prince Yanhe. She came here in the Capital with Yanhe 2 weeks ago but she had to seperate with him because as you know how despicable that man is and she's not comfortable to be with that guy. Right Lel?"

"Oh really? Then why did you come with Yanhe to the Capital then?" Mikael raised his brow when heard what Magus said and looked at Lila.

"As you may have heard, I had a temporary amnesia and young master Yanhe offered to tour me here in the Capital to help me regain some of my memories but even with his nice gestures and his hospitable attitude I find it disgusting to be with him.

Also, me going to the Capital is not just for a tour, I already thought of going on an adventure and going to the secluded forest to train. So coming with him for the tour was only an excuse for my father to let me out at home. I know he will not agree if I let him know in advance."

Lila had to make that excuse, yes she had in her mind to go on an adventure and also to see the Capital. But the secluded forest was not in her mind at that time, she only heard about it when she's drinking tea at one of the tea stalls.

She was seated outside when she heard two middle aged men talking about hunting beasts and some herbs at that place. It picquips her interest so she approached them.

Still disguising as a man, she asked about what the forest is. Seeing that she's young, she was snubbed at first but with her persistence and also showed them she has spirit power and just wants to train. They told her how dangerous the place is though it's suitable for martial artists to go but it's not really safe for her age to go.

She thanked them, though they told her how dangerous that place is. She still gathered more information about it and bought a map on how to go there. She has Amith that time to guide her and to protect her so it was alright.

"That man is really disgusting, that's good that you felt that way and avoid him. That guy does not have any good intentions when he approaches a girl, especially you." Mikael commented.

"Yeah, I know."