It's been three days, three fucking days! of us talking, and hanging out together with Clara at the M'don café and many places. But it seemed like forever.

We both want something more than just being friends, I mean... I want to be with him as friends and kissing buddies excluding the love part. Wanting something more from Steve was never part of what I wanted and expected but the more we chat, the more I want to kiss him and do him bad things but the dude's been feeling something awfully not in my diary and I'm afraid I would end up hurting him like I did to Austin, Lucas, Harry, and others or vice versa.

"Yeah, Cuba is a dick. But I am not talking about Cuba right now Lara, I'm talking about us". Steven says and my jaw dropped. This is the conversation I've been avoiding after our accidental kiss in the library.

I frown and forcefully tear my eyes from his inviting pinkish lips that always charm me each time my eyes lurk there, avoiding it from happening again. Our accidental kiss in the library which happened when we were practicing for literature midterm drama. It wasn't ACCIDENTALLY, I wanted it to happen but see what it resulted. I sighed and exhaled deeply - like huge deeply.

"Oh-ho, Steve, that's uhm...err". Fuck! I can't believe I am totally speechless now. "We will talk about this later ok? ". I laugh nervously, moving backwards.

"Lara wait, you don't have to keep shoving this off and off, I love you, Lara". He said softly and I heard low gasp from a few students who were purcking nose in something that isn't of their concern.

"Well, Steve I'm so sorry but this is so fucked up". I say and turn with force. Turning I bumped into a muscular familiar figure and fall back but he grabs me before I could reach the ground.

"You alright?" he asks. My eyes widened and my mind puzzled at the person standing in front of me. Fuck! What the hell is he doing here I quickly jerk my hand from his. Steve rushed and grabbed my hand. His eyes asking the same "Are you okay?". Question.

I held my breath to stop my pounding chest from being heard or noticed which would be so embarrassing at a moment like this or would give this dickhead in front of me more reasons to think I've forgiven and forgotten about our quarrel.

But the pounding didn't stop but add and I need a refuge to hide this awkward emotion or I probably wanted to do what I did. Using the term "Refuge" to cover up. So I quickly turned in Steven's arm and claimed his lips. Wanting to clear off this face I tried so hard to forget.

I never thought it would be this hard to forget his face. But here he stands at my back, appearing at a time like this and recalling all the things I tried so hard to put behind me while I am here kissing Steve in front of him.

Is that the new teacher? I heard someone ask when I pulled out from the kiss.

Omg, he is so cute

Extremely H. O. T

H. O. T

"Mr. Michael, may I lead you to your office Mrs, Stewart said and my heart skipped for a minute. Is he the new teacher? The replacement of Mr. Cuba? Our form teacher? This is gonna be harder than I expected having a new teacher would be.