Chapter 1

In the snowy mountain there a palace with crystal like wood stood on top of the mountain. Inside the palace there sits a man drinking wine by himself. The mans cold eyes were like diamond, his long silver hair was soft like cotton, his furry clothes were as wealthy as a king, his sharp white leopard ears twitch as he pours a drink for himself. This man is Lord Fuyuki a war-lord that lives in an ice-cold palace in the east. Lord Fuyuki's pale cheeks had a hint of pink from the wine. As he sits and drinks, he hears footsteps stop at his doors. His diamond eyes shifts to the door.

"Enter!" Lord Fuyuki said as he sips his wine.

A handsome man with silver white fox ears enters the luxurious room. This man is Lord Fuyuki's eldest stepbrother, Lord Hiroma. Lord Hiroma is the current emperor of the Silver Fox Clan. The Silver Fox Clan is a legendary mythical creature clan that ranks top in all 10 lands of Xin. Xin continent is divided into 10 lands that are ruled by the legendary beasts of this world. The legendary beasts are born from royal blood, meaning haft of their blood are of gods blood since their father, the All Mighty King, had blood that of gods, was the strongest emperor that ruled all of Xin. The All Mighty King had everything, except immortality, but he did live for more then a billion years and past his genes to the next generations. So yeah, he's dead.

"What brings you here, Hiroma?" Lord Fuyuki said as he points to the seat beside him.

"I came because of the humans," Lord Hiroma said with a serious face. Before Lord Hiroma continued he walked over to the seat and sat down. "They've become more active."

"Yes, my men have informed me that the humans in the mountains have been more shifty," Lord Fuyuki said as he pours a drink for Lord Hiroma, "you don't think their planning to start another war?" Lord Hiroma went silent after Fuyuki's question.

They stared into each other's eyes in silence. Hiroma broke the silence by taking a sip from the wine. "I'm afraid so," Lord Hiroma said as he sipped his wine, "how long has it been since the last war with the humans?"

"2 years ago," Lord Fuyuki paused as he pours himself a drink, "2 years ago....when father was still alive," his voice cracking.

"Well, everyone passes over to the Gate of Heaven and Hell," Lord Hiroma paused, "its part of life." He said softly as his ears dropped. "Anyway!" He shouted, breaking the silence, "we shouldn't be talking about the past, we should be talking about how to deal with these humans!" His golden eyes showed signs of hate.

"I suppose your right," Lord Fuyuki said as he took another sip.


"Uncle Nyx!" Che Che shouted as she ran over with the rabbit corpse. "Look what I got!" Che Che asked excitedly. Che Che a 9 year old ware cat, and assassin in training. Also Kane's suppose niece.

"It's a rabbit, a rabbit that's dead," Nyx stated with no emotions.

"Yeah! And I killed it all by myself!" Che Che said proudly, "are you proud of me Uncle?" Nyx nodded with no emotions. "Really!?" Nyx nodded again.

"Che Che! Are you bothering your Uncle again?" A man with the same dark purple hair as Nyx asked.

"I'm not bothering him I'm just showing him what I killed!" Che Che pouted.

"Dear, you should go easy on Che Che," a woman with chocolate brown hair walked over to them, "she was just showing him what she killed, and it's been 2 years since she's seen him, she probably missed him and-" she stopped talking and her chocolate brown ware cat ears dropped, "and..." her voice shaking.

"You don't need to say it honey," the man walked over to the woman and gave her a hug, "I'm used to seeing my little brother like this."

"Used to seeing him like this!" She pushed him away, "look at him, look at what they've done to him!" She pointed at Nyx, "he used to be happy and beaming with emotions, and look at him now!" She angrily said.

"Mama, Papa!" Che Che interrupted, "are you fighting again?" Raven and Lilith both looked at each other.

"Of course not sweetheart," Raven said as he patted Che Che on the head.

Meanwhile Nyx was able to slip away. "Phew~~those people are scary, especially the woman." Nyx slipped away when the couple were fighting. He sat on a tree branch, and looked at the bamboo field. "2 years..." whispered Nyx. I remember a little bit of what happened. 2 years is when Nyx was sent to the battlefield, and that's where he lost everything precious to him.