New world

Masato: Wtf where the hell am I

Computer: You are inside your computer

Masato: What the hell do you mean

Computer: You died when I exploded but somehow you entered me and are still alive and talking.

Masato: Wait if I'm in the computer I can order you anything right

Computer: There are some restrictions

Masato: First of all show me who you are

Suddenly infront Masato a human like figure appears, it looked like his crush Rize.

Masato: Can I call you Rize

Rize: Call me whatever you wish, My Master.

Masato: Ok Rize open my latest game

Rize: OK master

Masato: You are coming with me?

Rize: But that's not possible, but I can always talk with you whenever you want.

Masato: I'll find a way to bring you inside the game

Rize blushed

Rize: Ok the game just loaded, Please select a language

Masato: English obviously

Rize: Your username

Masato: Masato__Kana

Rize: In the game your name will be Masato and family name will be Kana

Masato: How many more questions?

Rize: It was you who designed this game not me

Masato takes a deep breath, he dosen't even remember completing the game. The game was still incomplete.

Masato(to himself): Did Rize made the whole game herself

Masato completed filling all the details, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, he felt really nervous. There was a strong flash of light which completely covered Masato's body. It was so bright that he was unable to even open his eyes.

Inside the game

Stranger1: What is that bright light

Stranger2: That looks like a meteorite

Stranger1: No way are we gonna die just like the dinosaurs


This is the meteor in whis Masato was transported to the game.

The meteor crashed the ground, Masato came out of the meteor unscratched but he looked young, very young.

He looked approx 2 years old. All the villagers came to the impact location and found young Masato besides the meteor.

Villager1: Move aside let the elder see the boy

Village Elder walks to the boy

Elder: Maybe this is the boy our ancestors talked about. The hero from another world who would save our world from being destroyed.

Elder takes a pause and starts examining Masato

Elder: Run, go bring me my magic orb

The Elders assistant ran as fast as he could and safely brought orb

Elder takes the orb and walks towards Masato

Elder: Now son keep your hand on this orb

Masato does as the elder says, he keeps his hand on the orb. Nothing happens.

Villager: He can't be a hero he has no magical power

Hearing this angered Masato

He concentrated all his strength in his hand. The orb broke. All the Villagers including the Elder were stunned. Till now nobody's magic in this world was so strong to break this orb and Masato broke it at the age of 2. When his magic hasn't fully even developed.