Guests? More like neighbours!

I completed the ripplefluffs I took with me. So I sang for sometime while swinging which is what I usually do when I am roaming about in my colony. Once my throat was sore and I couldn't bear more amount of craving for my ripplefluffs I went back. Once I was back a huge surprise was waiting for me. Yes, the guests were there. Guess what? The guests contained a teen who was the last person I wanted to see then. Okay that was exaggeration about the 8th last person I wanted to see then. YES!!! It was Trent, how annoying.

"Trent! Move your ass!" "Ok! Ok! Geez! Your language!" "That's what you get if you don't listen to me. Now MOVE!" "WHYYYYY??? TAT" "Oh stop being such a crybaby! If you want to eat you have to come downstairs!" "Wait... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! What do you mean by downstairs?" "Oh riiiight. We didn't tell you. Our neighbours from second floor invited us for dinner." " Yeah totally forgot that detail." He thinks, 'Looks like I will have an interesting night...'

Once they enter my house, mothers talk to each other while fathers some topics, Trent doesn't find me anywhere. Feeling awkward he musters up the courage and asks my mom, "Aunty where is Lissa?" He receives a simple reply, "Oh she has gone out with her ripplefluffs. Don't worry she will be back soon." "Ripplefluffs?", he asked quizzically. "At least that's what she called them", mom said while shrugging. He thanked my mom for info. He came to the place near the swing. Just as he opened the door we bumped into each other.

"Ow!! Wait a minute... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" I asked obviously since he is quite irksome. He replied simply, "I'm a guest." Grrrrrr. How I hated his smug face just then. Just then I realised I hadn't taken some ripplefluffs and mallowmelt to Uncle Han's house. Uncle Han has a daughter who is someone I actually have fun talking to. Her name is Isabelle I call her Isa though. Uncle Han and I have the passion of baking. So we have a lot of chats even if its not anywhere related to the topic. Till now he has never tasted my ripplefluffs and mallowmelt. So I just made that excuse put some in a box and was about to leave and mom asked me to take Trent with me. I couldn't argue then so I had no ther option. I just asked him to sit on the swings till I came since the only thing separating Uncle Han's house and the swings was a lane which joined all the other lanes.