
Once they entered Lissa's house her mom told them that she had some work and had to go to one of the houses in her colony. Once she left Lissa grabbed her friends bags leaving them only with their clothes she then explained that she had her mom turn on the water heater in each of the 3 bathrooms before she came to pick them up. After explaining she literally shoved each one shoving into each of the bathrooms and locked them from outside.

Then she put the school bags in one place took out their snack boxes cleaned them then patted them dry using a towel. Then she undid her hair that was in a side high pony. As her wavy bangs fell in front of her face she started to comb also with an attempt to remove some of the newly formed curls that formed as she twisted her hair. She had just finished when Tessa had come out. "So they did it again huh?" she asked. "Why don't you like taking your phone in like the rest of us. Well let's just talk once I am back. Gotta go take a bath." Lissa replied as she did her best to slip away. "Hold it! Liss give your mom's phone to me before going in." "Pretty please I will be out soon." Lissa begged. "I know you too well to know that 'soon' means a minimum of half an hour. Hand it over! NOW!" "Fine" she sulked.

Once Lissa came out all of them started the plan when Lavanya knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in ma!" "Sorry to disturb you girls but I am going out for the night. Before I leave I wanted to ask if you girls have your costumes ready?" her mom asked. "Shiiiit!" they all said at the same time. Lavanya's face lit up like a light bulb. "Don't worry we'll handle it and girls please sleep quite late today." "Ok aunty." "Okay ma." "I'll be leaving now. Bye girls..." "Bye."

"Wait if your mom leaves who is gonna make our dinner?" Adora asked

Lissa gave a sly smile. Ophelia noticed this, "Oh it's on!" "Wait what are you blabbing about?" Tessa asked. "Shall we teach them too?" Ophelia asked. "I don't see why not? You are sure gonna do what I did to you to them right?" Lissa questioned. "Actually worse." "Yay I shall enjoy!"

"The fudge are you guys planning?" Adora asked with a shiver. "Hehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehehhhehe" both Lia and Liss stared and Adora and Tessa while cackling.