
Trent: Ok now that I'm in... Lissa can u answer 2 of my questionS?

Adora:*with a sly smile* Of course she can... But will she is the question is the question you wanna ask.

Trent: Ya. Will you Lissa?

Lissa: If the answers are short then yes.

Trent: Then I wanted to know since you are a cook and get to have the black noodles all the time I wanted to know if you can recreate it?

Tessa: *spits out the water she was drinking*

Trent: What's wrong?...

Adora: Absolutely nothing. She doesn't like to make the black noodles but she can do many others.

Ophelia: Why? Do you want to have it now?

Trent: Kind of... Yah *Poking his fingers👉🏻👈🏻*

Tessa: I was gonna ask her for making it anyway.

Lissa: You were? I don't wanna make it *drags it out like a kid*

Trent: *stunned*

Adora: How about something else that's black?

Lissa: Fine. Just this once guys! *looking at each of them*

The others: Mmmm.... Thanks!

Lissa: Whatever. Just make all the beds and clear out my table.

Trent: Ok with the beds. But where is your room?

Ophelia: You don't know?

Trent: Yep.

Adora: Pffft poor you.

Trent: Huh? Whatever!

Tessa: *points* That's her room

Trent: Ok I'll go to that one last then. *goes into other rooms*

Lissa: Your choice. Hey T?

Tessa: Ya?

Lissa: May I have my clutch now?

Tessa: Oh! Yeah sorry I forgot

Lissa: *rolls up her ponytail and secures it with her clutch* *Opens the refrigerator and takes out a few vegetables and starts washing them** finishes*

Trent: *goes into her room* *amazed at the theme* *sets their beds* *looks at the table* *stunned* *pokes his head out* How'd you do it????

Ophelia, Adora and Tessa: *Starts laughing* Best of luck!

Trent: Ya I'mma need it! *turns to the mountain that clouded the table making it unrecognisable* Phew *starts cleaning*


Lissa: *listening to songs thinking of ideas* *washes rice and turns on the rice cooker* *cuts vegetables*

After 30 mins...

Lissa: *starts her process on the stove*

Trent: *comes out* Phew! Finally finished!

Adora: Hey L can I borrow your slave?

Lissa: *loudly* Did someone say anything?

Adora: *Removes headphones while Lissa paused the song* Can! I! Borrow! Your! Slave!?

Lissa: Really you needed me to pause one of my favorite song for this? I think you already know the answer.

Adora: Don't regret it later!

Lissa: You know I won't now shoo. I don't wanna waste my time for this.

Adora: *smirks*

Trent: *confusedand worried* *looks at Tessa and Ophelia but they are too immersed in writing something so they didn't know that people were moving*