Zhao Yun was riding on Thunder beside his father while Shadow was flying over them keeping an eye out as they were riding with the men provided by the Changshan Commandery to meet with the force that Lu Zhi was leading in the North to take over the Julu and Wei Commandery.
"So this Lu Zhi is he talented in leading troops?" asks Zhao Yun his father in private as he was carrying his spear.
"I don't know but we should trust that the Marshal He Jin sent the best of the best to stop this Rebellion before it gets worse," says Zhao Xian as they were about to reach the main camp of the army that will seize down the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans.
Zhao Yun dismounted from Thunder once they were inside and Zhao Xian says, "I will inform the Marshall that we arrived. Stay here with the men and keep the order so they don't start a quarrel with the other people in the camp."
"I will do my best," says Zhao Yun as he looked at the men who were cowering in fear from the monster of the Zhao Household.
They were quiet the whole time until someone tried to provoke them making Zhao Yun look at the person. The person was quite tall compared to the men Zhao Yun was looking after but still quite short compared to him.
"Leave before I break your hand for trying to provoke a fight with the men from Changshan Commandery," says Zhao Yun as he looked at the man closer seeing an unkempt beard and hair on the head.
Zhao Yun also notices a wine gourd in one hand and a twin-headed spear in his other hand when the man says, "And you are who to command me."
Zhao Yun looked at him as he gripped the spear the man was holding and breaks it making the man drop his wine gourd from the shock as Zhao Yun says, "You aren't worth to know it. Just leave before you share the same fate of your spear."
The man was angry now as he tried to grab Zhao Yun only to find Zhao Yun grab his hand and throw him against the ground while making an armlock not letting the man move from the ground when two other men arrived.
"Zhang Fei, why are you looking for problems we are all here to help to stop the Rebellion," says a man with big earlobes.
Zhao Yun looks at both as he sees that the man with big earlobes had well-kept hair while the other seemed to be as tall as himself with a long well-kept beard and hair.
Zhao Yun knew who they were because the guy with the earlobes revealed the name of the person under him.
It was Liu Bei and Guan Yu that were standing in front of him while Zhang Fei was under his feet. Zhao Yun released the man and says, "Next time try to follow your people instead of making trouble."
Then he turns to the two and says, "Take him away and let him get sober. If he does something like that next time I will inform the higher-ups about it."
The two looked quite serious at their new brother as he made already trouble for them when Guan Yu stepped forward and helped Zhang Fei up.
"He won't disturb you any longer. We got transferred to the North to fight in Zhuo and Guangyang Commandery against the Yellow Turbans. He is just quite emotional because we are from Zhuo. I'm really sorry about it," says Liu Bei as Zhao Yun wouldn't fall for his acting.
Zhao Yun knew that Liu Bei was the biggest actor of all in the whole Era as he used Benevolence to catch people into his web that was something Zhao Yun hated the most and knew why Shura hated him that much as well.
"You should leave now before you arrive late. I heard that Colonel Zou Jing isn't a patient man," says Zhao Yun as he didn't even spare a glance at Liu Bei before picking Zhang Fei's gourd up and pouring the content to the ground while saying, "Be happy that no one noticed or you wouldn't be in this campaign for long but punished for drinking."
Then he throws the empty gourd at Liu Bei hitting him directly in the face with it because Liu Bei didn't catch the gourd making the situation shift to his favor because the people that were seeing this didn't see what happened before.
Guan Yu put Zhang Fei down and walked over angry holding his glaive when he pointed it at Zhao Yun who just smiled seeing that Liu Bei already entered his mind.
"My older brother apologized for what my younger brother did and you still hit him!" shouts Guan Yu as he attacked Zhao Yun.
Many were nervous but the people of Zhending the capital of Changshan Commandery were quite relaxed knowing how strong Zhao Yun is.
Zhao Yun just caught the glaive midway and stopped it when Zhao Yun whispers, "You fell deep into his scheme. You believed every word he told you."
Guan Yu opened his eyes wide in disbelief of what he was seeing when suddenly Zhao Yun uses his Qi and lifts Guan Yu up from the ground before smashing him on the ground while whispering, "I hope to talk to you again if we ever meet that's it."
Then Guan Yu stood up in disbelief while the people had a moral spike from seeing what a monster was in their ranks while many eyes were on him.
One of those eyes belonged to a young man that was leading men holding a blue flag in the air with the word 'Cao' on it. While another pair belonged to another man that was having a red flag with a 'Sun' on it.
Both were Cao Cao and Sun Jian they took a liking to the young man because they were there from the start to the finish and they thought that everything that went the way of the three brothers was quite reasonable.
Liu Bei on the other hand was quite angry but wasn't showing it because he needed to keep his facade. He helped his younger brother up before they leave to join the volunteer group that would be marching towards the North to take Zhuo and Guangyang back from the rebels.
Zhao Xian returned to see what happened and asks, "Did you really have to stand out like that?"
"They provoked us first. I was just showing them what happens when you provoke the men from Changshan Commandery," says Zhao Yun as he let th go not like he usually does when a challenger arrived at their house trying to take his father position away.
The challengers were handled fast as both brothers took turns on them making the legend of the Zhao Brothers spread through Zhending and whole Changshan Commandery.
"*sighs* Lu Zhi is waiting for us, we will attack right away so the enemy won't be able to fortify their position in Julu and Wei Commandery," says Zhao Xian as Zhao Yun nods.
One of the people watching was accompanied by two young men with troops behind him and asks, "What do you think of that person, cousin?"
"He is strong without a doubt but that doesn't make a great warrior and even less a great general," says a young man to his cousin as his cousin was holding his chin.
"Cao Cao, we should prepare for the battle since we will be moving south to help Zhu Jun who is losing in Runan Commandery," says the other man beside him.
"Too bad we won't be able to see him fight. Prepare the troops, Dun, and Yuan. We will be marching right away," says Cao Cao as he found it a pity to not see the person fight while he leaves with his men.
The other person watching Zhao Yun was a man in his late twenties with short brown hair with three other men beside him when one of them says, "Young people those days."
"Let them have their fun. Sometimes you need to relieve some stress and for young people, it's by fighting," says the man with brown hair.
"My lord, we should prepare to leave to the south and help retake Runan Commandery," says another man showing more respect to the brown-haired man.
"We should," says the brown-haired man as he turned to his people and says, "Huang Gai and Han Dang prepare the men. Cheng Pu, you stay with me."
"Yes, my lord," say all three as Huang Gai and Han Dang leave to organize the troops.
"Cheng Pu, what do you think of the young man that won the fight?" asks the brown-haired man curious to hear Cheng Pu's opinion.
"My lord, he is strong and he seemed in full control of the whole situation. He could become someone important in the future if he does well in the campaign," says Cheng Pu as the brown-haired man seemed to like what he heard.
"Go over and get the name of the youngling. Then return to us. If he is as good as you say we should have his name for the future," says the brown-haired as he leaves to reunite with his men.
"Yes, my lord," says Cheng Pu when the brown-haired man smiles.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you can just call me Sun Jian when we are alone," says Sun Jian as he turned around.
"Many times my lord," says Chang Pu making Sun Jian sigh.
"And you still won't call me by my name," says Sun Jian holding his head.
"I never will," says Cheng Pu seriously as Sun Jian now left while Cheng Pu went to get the name his lord wanted.
He walked towards Zhao Xian and Yun when they turned towards them and Zhang Xian asks, "What can I do for you, friend?"
"I wanted a name. My lord was quite impressed by the youngling's talent," says Cheng Pu before saying, "My name is Cheng Pu. I serve Sun Jian a loyal servant of the Empire."
'Cheng Pu? Shouldn't he be in the south with Sun Jian helping retake Runan Commandery already before jumping on a wall to retake Nanyang Commandery?' asks Zhao Yun himself as he was quite sure that after retaking Nanyang he would serve Yuan Shu until Sun Jian died by Huang Zu's hand in an ambush.
"I'm Zhao Xian and this is my son Zhao Yun. I hope he didn't disturb your lord," says Zhao Xian as Cheng Pu was serious as always.
"No my lord was quite impressed by what your son did since he was the whole time in control of the situation. He also thinks that if your son is that good on the battlefield he will shine and wanted his name to hear of his progress since in the future they could be working together as loyal servants of Han," says Cheng Pu as both Zhao Xian and Yun bowed towards Cheng Pu who also bowed to them showing respect.
"Thank you for praising my son. But I really hoped he would hold himself down a bit so he could return home alive," says Zhao Xian making Cheng Pu understand that Zhao Yun might only have small merit in all this campaign to not draw too much attention.
"I understand. I have for what I came for. My lord wishes you all luck and hopes to meet you in the future," says Cheng Pu as he leaves again but now he had a smile on his face while thinking, 'A rough diamond appeared out of nowhere. He didn't even feel pressure like other young people.'
"Now you have drawn too much unneeded attention, my son," says Zhao Xian as Zhao Yun smiles making his father sigh while continuing, "We should depart for the border and regroup with Lu Zhi."
Zhao Yun nods as he mounted Thunder again while giving a signal to Shadow, who was sitting on a roof watching out, that they are leaving.