Staying in the Capital

Two weeks passed since the fight against Lu Bu with the Imperial Family as their spectators. Zhao Yun was spending time with Diao Chan knowing that he wouldn't have much time when they arrived at Zhending since he needed to return to the front.

But to his disappointment, his time with Diao Chan was cut short while he was eating with her when a man entered the inn. He was having some bandaged around his left hand with little bamboo sticks supporting the fingers.

The man walked directly towards them when he says, "I finally found you."

Diao Chan was scared as she got closer to Zhao Yun who smiled and says, "Lu Bu, I thought you would return to your post on the front against the Barbarian in the North."

"Since I broke all my fingers I can't return yet. I will return to the Bing Province and let my wife heal me until I can return to the front. In the meantime, my friend Zhang Liao will take command of the troops. You have met him before or at least he has met you," says Lu Bu as he sits down across them.

He didn't notice Diao Chan's beauty since she was wearing a veil that was hiding everything from the nose downwards showing her hair and eyes.

"Zhang Liao?" says Zhao Yun thinking as he hasn't met him but heard of him from the history he knows.

Zhang Liao was a Commander under Lu Bu that betrayed Ding Yuan by following Lu Bu. He became a General under Lu Bu and followed him even after Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo.

In the end, he wanted to be executed with Lu Bu when everything was over but Cao Cao saw talent in Zhang Liao and recruited him becoming a cornerstone of Wei until he died.

"I haven't seen him," says Zhao Yun not remembering seeing Zhang Liao since they weren't presented to each other.

"Well, it can't be helped then. I will have to present you to him next time," says Lu Bu as he then looked at Diao Chan and looks back at Zhao Yun asking, "Is she a servant of the inn?"

"No, she is my fiance, Diao Chan. We promised to marry each other once the war is over," says Zhao Yun as Lu Bu could now understand why Zhao Yun wanted to leave the capital as fast as possible to join the war.

"You want to finish the rapidly that's why you want to return to the frontline. I can understand that. My wife is also waiting for me at home. I haven't left yet because I want to see the horse that will be granted to you," says Lu Bu regretting a bit to have lost to Zhao Yun now.

"I don't really need a horse. Thunder is the best horse in the world," says Zhao Yun as Diao Chan smiles leaning her head against Zhao Yun.

"Yes, Thunder is quite a horse. He is quite like his master unique," says Diao Chan picking Lu Bu's attention.

"Can I see Thunder?" asks Lu Bu as he was confused why Thunder was so unique.

"Of course but be warned, don't touch it or you might die," says Zhao Yun warning Lu Bu who began to laugh from hearing Zhao Yun.

Lu Bu was thinking that Zhao Yun was threatening him not to take his horse away when Zhao Yun stood up and handed to Diao Chan a white cat with black stripes on it.

"Take care of Snowflake until I return. Thunder could become wild and you two could be in danger," says Zhao Yun not kidding around as he remembers how his father told him that Thunder almost killed a servant that touched him.

"Is your horse that dangerous?" asks Lu Bu as Zhao Yun nods.

"He is calm around females but once a male is around he becomes a beast to show that he is the Alpha," says Zhao Yun as they walk out of the inn and entered the stable.

They find in some cabins two horses together while one cabin had one horse the cabins around were empty when Lu Bu sees that he thought that something unnatural was going on.

As they approached the horse that was isolated he could feel some pressure until Zhao Yun put his hand on Lu Bu's shoulder and says, "You can feel it, good."

"What is that beast?" asks Lu Bu as they continued approaching Thunder.

"That is Thunder my horse. He is the King of the Horses," says Zhao Yun as they were now in front of the Nightblue Horse and Lu Bu could see clearly that the horse was too big to be a horse.

"This is Thunder," says Zhao Yun as he took his hand from Lu Bu and put it on Thunder's forehead petting him.

Zhao Yun suddenly seemed taller to Lu Bu from seeing him pet Thunder when he tried to pet Thunder an aura surrounded Thunder making the mighty Lu Bu feel fear until Zhao Yun says, "Calm down, he is a friend."

Thunder retracted his aura as he gave an unpleasant noise from himself making Zhao Yun say, "I know, we will be soon at the front again."

"Your horse really isn't normal. No wonder you didn't want the horse the Emperor wants to gift you," says Lu Bu as Zhao Yun nods.

"Yes, but I can give it to my wife or brother. They could use a steed," says Zhao Yun as he petted Thunder a bit longer.

"I really hope it is a female to breed Thunder with her," says Zhao Yun making Lu Bu feel excited just thinking about what would come out if Thunder and the other horse breed and give birth to new horses.

"Can I have one of their offsprings if that is the case?" asks Lu Bu as he was thinking that even with a tenth of Thunder in that offspring he would be able to maximize his strength on horseback since his horse couldn't support him completely.

"If your horse is a monster what is the cat you handed your woman before?" asks Lu Bu as Zhao Yun stopped petting Thunder.

"It's a Tiger that I found in the Wilderness while coming to the capital. I had to completely clean the little guy before I could hand him to my fiancee," says Zhao Yun as Lu Bu smiled at him.

"Are you raising it for its ingredients?" asks Lu Bu as it wasn't rare to raise Tigers for their organs.

"No, I want to raise it to gift it to my sister or keep it for myself. Maybe one day you will find it beside me on the battlefield killing my enemy and protecting me as I am doing right now," says Zhao Yun when suddenly Shadow entered the stable and sat on top of Thunder's head surprising Lu Bu.

"That Bird really isn't afraid of anything," says Lu Bu seeing Shadow for the first time.

"That is Shadow. She is the first and in charge of the three animals under me," says Zhao Yun presenting Shadow to Lu Bu as he petted her feather on her throat.

Shadow loves to be petted there by Zhao Yun and Diao Chan when Lu Bu tried to pet her she snapped at his fingers when Zhao Yun hit her peak lightly with his index finger saying, "He is a friend, not the enemy."

"Sorry about that. She saw us fighting yesterday so she holds a grudge against you. Try to pet her again but on her head toward her neck and back," says Zhao Yun as Lu Bu did as told.

Shadow now didn't attack and allowed Lu Bu to pet her as he says, "Maybe I should also get an Eagle or Hawk. They are quite handy if they are raised the right way."

"Definitely, Shadow saved me and my squad from being killed by bringing a message to the Commander. If he didn't mobilize his troops, I wouldn't be standing here right now," says Zhao Yun as Shadow was quite proud of her achievement.

"Shadow, I will see you later," says Zhao Yun as both leave the stable.

They returned to the Inn finding Snowflake eating from Diao Chan's palm as Lu Bu says, "She isn't afraid of the cat."

"I wouldn't leave her alone with Snowflake if she were. A wild beast is still a wild beast, you need to have confidence in yourself, once they feel your fear their instincts will take over and see you as prey and not as their kin," says Zhao Yun as he sat down beside Diao Chan again.

"He really loves the dumpling in this place," says Diao Chan as Snowflake was laying between Zhao Yun and her.

"It's because he is still growing. Once big enough we will let him hunt his own food outside the city," says Zhao Yun as he petted the little tiger.

He ordered another plate of dumplings and some wine to eat with Lu Bu as they talked and ate together before Diao Chan was feeling sleepy. She laid against Zhao Yun's arm letting him know that she wanted to rest.

"It seems, I will retreat to my room today. I will see you tomorrow then," says Zhao Yun as he picked Diao Chan up carrying her to their room while Snowflake followed.

"I will see you tomorrow then," says Lu Bu as he really wanted to become a friend of Zhao Yun.

Once in the room, Zhao Yun takes Diao Chan's clothes off and dresses her in her nightgown. Then he changes out of his clothes as he lays beside her and whispers "Good Night." as he falls asleep while holding her into the night.