Infiltrating Guangyang

Yun was sitting with his men as they were having lunch before they began to train again. Showing why only a small number of them died as they clashed against each other with their shields first.

The Rebels that joined Yun had to learn the hard way that they needed coordination and a strong footing to become part of Yun's troops.

They either lost their balance or would have been slaughtered by the enemy because their partner fell leaving them open. Yun was overwatching everything as he trained his Squad Leaders in Qi.

Like most mortals, they awakened either Earth and Water or Earth and Fire with Taishi Ci being an exception in awakening Metall and Fire.

"Good, now you only need to cultivate your Qi. It is a long road but once you reach the same realm as me you should be able to fight alone in the frontline like I did last time," says Yun as they bow in respect.

"Thank you, sir," say the Squad Leaders as they sat down to cultivate while Yun looked over the men training.

'Taishi Ci was a surprise but a bigger surprise is that those rebels seem to be without coordination. Either they really have no coordination and Liu Bei and his brothers doomed Zou Jing into losing or they are pretending,' thinks Yun as he looked at the mess the rebels were doing while training.

A week passed and the Squad Leader could be called Novice in the Art of Qi while the rebel slowly got a hang of how the basics of Yun's Deathseekers worked.

After another week Zou Jing began to march again towards their next objective that was Guangyang and Yun was hoping that his new men won't betray him.

They marched for two days when Zou Jing comes to the decision to siege the city of Guangyang. Yun didn't really have to use his men this time as he looked at the wall of the city.

'I think I could climb this wall,' thinks Yun as he walked around in their camp.

Tang Shi was keeping an eye on the men when Yun returns and asks, "Do you think we should attack tonight by surprise?"

"Did you ask the Commander?" asks Tang Shi as Yun shakes his head.

"No, and this war is going long enough. We need to take this city so we can return home. I will climb the wall with Taishi Ci and open the gates from inside with him," says Yun as Tang Shi nods knowing that Yun wanted to return to Zhending as fast as possible not only for himself but also for his men that are missing their families.

"You sure that you two will be enough?" asks Tang Shi as Yun places his hand on Tang Shi's shoulder to reassure him.

"I need you here, Tang Shi. I know that you want to follow me but you are the second-in-command. You need to guide the men when I am not around," says Yun as he looked Tang Shi into the eyes.

"Let's get that behind us and return home. I really want to meet the woman that took you as a husband like the wives of all my men," says Yun as he felt guilty because of the men he lost in Zhuo.

"For that, you need to return alive. Please come back safe and sound," says Tang Shi as Yun smiles.

"Don't worry, I will return safe and sound," says Yun as he walked towards Taishi Ci and pulled him away from his Squad.

"Is something wrong, Commander?" asks Taishi Ci as Yun shakes his head.

"No, but it will get dark soon. We will climb the wall and open the gate in the dark. We will allow the troops to enter while the enemy is sleeping. For that to happen we will have to be careful and not arouse the attention of the enemy," says Yun as Shadow landed on his shoulder.

"Did you scout the area?" asks Yun as Shadow nods before landing on the ground.

She made a square with her claws before pointing at the west wall with her left-wing making Yun nod when Taishi Ci asks, "What is your eagle saying?"

"The West Wall has been ignored completely. They have only two men guarding the west. Most likely because we are on the east side as well as north and south," says Yun as Shadow makes some more markings in the earth that Taishi Ci couldn't understand.

"And those marks?" asks Taishi as Yun sighs.

"They change the Nightwatch every hour on the east side. Every two hours on the north and south side. And every four hours on the west side making them an easy target if we wait until they change shifts with each other," says Yun as Shadow was now making a line that resembled a path they should follow.

"Is that the path we should follow towards the east gate?" asks Taishi Ci when other lines appear on the map.

"No those lines go to the barracks. The barracks seem to be at the east wall making it even better for us," says Yun as he took out a piece of wood and wrote something on it.

"Bring that to Zou Jing. He will know what to do," says Yun giving the piece of wood to Shadow who flew towards the main camp to deliver the message when Yun uses his foot to wipe the ground clean.

"We need to move towards the east wall then," says Yun as he drags Taishi Ci behind him.

"So only you and I, Commander?" asks Taishi Ci as Yun nods.

"Yes, you are the only Squad Leader that hasn't survived a suicide mission with me," says Yun as he dragged him to the training ground of their unit.

"What are we going to do here?" asks Taishi Ci as Yun grabbed a free bow and gave it to him.

"We are going to practice your Archery until the sun goes down," says Yun as he walked towards a tree and carved a circle into it with his finger.

Then he walks back to Taishi Ci and says, "You will infuse your arrows with Metal Qi."

"Isn't that too advanced for someone like me?" asks Taishi Ci having little confidence about this.

The others already could infuse their weapons with Qi while he had some trouble. Yun knew about that since he also had trouble in this body of his.

"Pull the string and close your eyes. Try to imagine you are holding metal between your fingers," says Yun as Taishi does as said.

He pulls the string and closes his eyes but he imagined a clump of iron in his mind when Yun hits the back of his head.

"I told you to hold it between your fingers while pulling the string. Not a clump of iron. Try again," says Yun as Taishi was imagining holding a long shaft made out of iron.

It slowly turned into an arrow when Yun says, "Now release the string."

Taishi Ci does as told and the arrow flew towards the target Vincent carved out on the tree. It penetrated the target and keep flying before crashing into the ground.

"Open your eyes," says Yun as Taishi Ci opens them and sees that he created a hole in the tree.

Yun puts his hand on Taishi's shoulder and says, "A good first step. Keep training we have time until we climb the wall."

In the meantime in the main camp, Zou Jing was standing over a map of You as he placed some figures around the city of Guangyang. He was thinking about what to do. The middle plains and the south was pacified and only the north was still fighting, making him look bad even it wasn't his fault.

He sighs as Shadow landed in front of his tent holding Yun's message when the guard outside says, "Sir, Commander Zhao's Eagle is here with a message."

"Bring it inside," says Zou Jing as a guard stretched his hand towards Shadow.

She let go of the message and waited for Zou Jing's response. The Guard brought it inside as Zou Jing takes the message and reads it when he smiles.

"Tell the man to light as many campfires as possible tonight. We will attack from the East Gate tonight. The fires will confuse the enemy to think we will be camping as always while we attack from their rear," says Zou Jing as the guard was confused by that order.

"Won't they see us coming?" asks the guard confused.

"They won't if everything goes as planned," says Zou Jing when he wrote an answer to Yun.

"Give this to the Eagle as well as a recompensation for bringing me this message," says Zou Jing happy as the guard salutes.

"Yes, sir," says the guard as he walks out of the tent and takes some dried food out before gives it to Shadow while saying, "You made a good job. Your master must be proud of you. Here take this to him and the dried food is all yours."

Shadow takes the message into her talons while taking the food into her peck and flew away into the direction where Yun was with Taishi. She hands over the message while Yun pets her belly and reads the message.

"Everything is in place now we only need to wait," says Yun hoping nothing unexpected happens tonight.

Taishi was training while Yun was meditating to keep a calm mind. This went on until it was dark and Yun takes a rope and secures himself and Taishi so if one of them loses his grip the other could stop the fall and Yun knew it wouldn't be him falling.

The Darkness was their friend tonight as it seemed to be a New Moon. They climbed the wall up when Taishi lost his footing and fell only for the rope to save him. He wanted to scream but the air just didn't come out of him from the scare thankfully for both of them since they would have been caught if he had screamed.

Yun climbed now for both as he sees one of the guards on the wall. He grabs him by the foot and throws him from the wall killing him in the process. Once on the wall, he helps Taishi up and they unbind themselves when Taishi says, "Wasn't that a bit heartless."

"Better than being caught," says Yun as he puts the rope away.

"Now we only need to kill the other guard and open the gate," says Yun as he could see the guard when Taishi uses his bow and releases an arrow made of iron and killed the guard that flew from the wall thanks to the force of the arrow.

"And you call me heartless," says Yun seeing how Taishi killed the other guard.

"I still don't have my Qi under control," says Taishi defending himself when Yun places his hand on Taishi's mouth.

"Quieter or we will be caught," says Yun as Taishi forgot that they were infiltrating the enemy base right now.

"Let's go," says Yun taking the lead as they moved towards the gate.