
"I think you both came for the same thing just that I decorated my banner with another name which will make one of your Lords happy," says Yun talking about the elephant in the room.

"I am a mercenary. You pay me and I will lead my men into war beside the man that bought me. So what are your offers," says Yun looking at them while Snowflake was laying on his legs while being petted.

"My Lord wants to offer you after the war a city in the Yu Province as well as one of his daughters to strengthen our alliance," says Xiahou Dun seriously which made Yun only look at him confused when Cheng Pu began to talk.

"My Lord wants to offer you your weight in gold for every day you fight for him. We will also feed you and your men while you fight on our side," says Cheng Pu as he thought that he would lose against Xiahou Dun's offer since a bond between two powerful families like the Zhao and Cao would be more profitable.

But he saw a smile on Yun's face which gave him some hope when Yun says, "I think you misunderstood me with what I want to be paid with Xiahou Dun. I am not interested in women nor territory at the moment."

"What do you mean, General?" asks Xiahou Dun confused that Yun would say that.

"I am looking to strengthen my army and for that I need money. I know that Cao Cao doesn't have the resources to pay me nor does Sun Jian," says Yun looking at Cheng Pu looking through him.

"But Yuan Shu should have enough resources since he comes from a rich family and Sun Jian must have convinced him to pay for my services," says Yun as he looked at them.

"So you won't go to war with us?" asks Xiahou Dun as Yun nods.

"I will accept Yuan Shu's offer to go to war with him," says Yun as he smiled at Cheng Pu before turning back to Xiahou Dun.

"Maybe after the war is over Cao Cao and I can sit down and talk," says Yun as he declined Cao Cao's offer.

"You are quite sure that my Lord will need your help in the future," says Xiahou Dun as Yun began to laugh out loud.

"What is so funny?" asks Xiahou Dun confused as Cheng Pu seemed more curious about it.

"Why do you think did I not join the eighteen Warlords against Dong Zhuo?" asks Yun of them wanting to hear their reason before answering.

"Because you have a hidden agenda?" asks Cheng Pu who had more experience in this matter than Xiahou Dun.

"Almost right," says Yun as he smiled at him.

"But the real reason is because that Coalition against Dong Zhuo is just a front to assess each other. It has been a month since the Coalition has formed and gathered near the Hulao Pass but they still haven't moved towards Luoyang," says Yun pointing out something that no one of them wanted to hear.

"Once Dong Zhuo is defeated they will all be at each other's throat trying to eliminate the weakest members which have nothing left. That's why I haven't moved my force yet," says Yun as he looked at their expression which was quite grim.

"Don't tell me you didn't know since both of you should be intelligent enough to see through this scam of a Coalition. Cao Cao will need me if he really wants to claim the Central Plains for himself," says Yun as the last sentence he whispered only for Xiahou Dun to hear who was pale that Yun saw through his cousin that easily.

"Anyway, Sun Jian is the only one between the warlords that really wants to defeat Dong Zhuo in my eyes as my spy told me that he already left with roughly twenty-six thousand men going over the south hoping that the others will attack from the east while he fights in the south," says Yun pointing out key information before standing up.

"So you will be joining Sun Jian in this war," says Cheng Pu with a smile as Yun only sighs.

"I joined Yuan Shu since he is the one paying even if I will be fighting alongside Sun Jian," says Yun correcting Cheng Pu as he stood up and pushed Snowflake away.

"Where are you going?" asks Cheng Pu as Yun walked towards the door.

"I need to inform my commanders that they should ready the army. I hope you will rest before returning to your Lord, Xiahou Dun," says Yun as he stopped at the door and looks at Cheng Pu.

"I will inform a servant to get you to the guestrooms. We will be leaving once the army is informed and mobilized," says Yun as he leaves the room to find Huang Zhong.

"My Lord," says the servant waiting outside the room.

"I want you to escort the messengers to the guestrooms," says Yun as the servant nods and enters the room filled with Tigers and the two messengers.

Yun then walked towards the east courtyard and find Huang Zhong playing chess against Pang Tong. He approaches them and sees that Pang Tong was winning against the Veteran when they notice Yun approach them.

"Inform the troops to mobilize. We are leaving in three days to meet our employer," says Yun as Huang Zhong and Pang Tong had a big smile on their face.

"We are finally going to war," says Pang Tong excited as his recklessness was speaking out of him.

"Don't be too excited or you might have a nasty experience during this campaign," says Huang Zhong warning the young strategist as he suddenly pulled out a move that put Pang Tong on checkmate.

"What! How?" says Pang Tong shocked that he lost to Huang Zhong.

"*small laugh* I have more experience than you and you ran directly into my trap," says Huang Zhong when he turns to Yun and asks, "But my question is a different one if I am allowed to ask?"

"Ask right away," says Yun knowing what Huang Zhong wanted to ask of him.

"What about the marriage proposal between our little master and the demoness of the Lu family? You even paid the dowry already," says Huang Zhong worried about the relation between Yun and Lu Bu since they will be on different sides in this war.

"Don't worry about that. I and Lu Bu had a conversation about what to do if it were to happen," says Yun calming Huang Zhong down.

Flashback to two years before Dong Zhuo seized the power of the Imperial Court.

Yun was visiting Lu Bu with Diao Chan and the twins accompanied by Dian Wei and Gan Ning. They arrived at Jinyang where they were awaited by Zhang Liao.

"It's nice to see you again, General Zhao," says Zhang Liao as he welcomed them.

"The pleasure is on my side, Zhang Liao. How is everything going against the Xiongnu?" asks Yun as Zhang Liao smiles at him.

"We pushed them back for now which allowed us to rest for a while," says Zhang Liao guiding them to the mansion in which Lu Bu stayed with his family.

Once there they dismounted the horses and Yun helped Diao Chan out of the carriage with the twins which already could walk normally making Yun sometimes think that they are reincarnated people but then they fall over like a leaf in the wind shattering that opinion.

They entered and were welcomed by Lu Bu and Madam Wei. Madam Wei was holding a baby girl in her arms as she was holding her little arm and waves at the twins with it.

"Welcome to my home. It's nice that you came to visit us," says Lu Bu as he looked at Yun and then at Zhao Fang.

"He can already stand on his own two feet. He will be a great warrior once he is an adult," says Lu Bu complementing Yun.

"You wanted to speak to me quite urgently about something. Diao Chan didn't want to let me go alone since she sees it as necessary to follow me everywhere as always," says Yun as he smiled at his wife.

"Anyway, let us talk in private while the women spend their time together," says Lu Bu grabbing Yun and dragged him behind himself.

They arrived at Lu Bu's office when Lu Bu let go of Yun and asks him to sit down with him while calling a servant to bring them some wine.

"So what did you want from me?" asks Yun as he was holding his cup with wine.

"You are the strongest person in the Empire which means that your son might become someone as great as you once he is a grown man," says Lu Bu as Yun now knew what Lu Bu wanted to do.

"No," says Yun flatly as Lu Bu seemed to not give up after hearing that.

"Come on they will become a match made in Heaven if they get married at the right time. Soon many other Warlords will try to snatch her away from you if you don't accept now," says Lu Bu stating a fact that Yun knew as Lu Bu will soon be known as the Flying General.

"Fine, but what do you want as a dowry?" asks Yun as he knew that Lu Bu wanted something in exchange for his daughter.

Lu Bu was smiling from ear-to-ear as he says, "One of the offsprings of Thunder and Huntress. I know that you already have two of them."

"Fine but what gives me the trust that you won't break the engagement," says Yun as now he smiled at Lu Bu who suddenly pulled out a piece of paper that contained the validity of the engagement of Zhao Fang and Lu Huixiu.

"I want something implemented in this engagement," says Yun as Lu Bu looked at him excitedly.

"What do you want to include?" asks Lu Bu as Yun smiles at him.

"If we both are ever to face each other in war this engagement can't be broken even if I kill you or you kill me. In war there exist no friend only the strong and if we were to meet on the battlefield I won't be able to hold back," says Yun foreshadowing the future between both of them.

"Fine by me. Our children will marry each other even if you have killed me or vice-versa. That way we can both be sure that the most perfect warrior will be born out of both of them since their grandfathers are the strongest people in this World," says Lu Bu before bursting out in laugher as they seal the engagement with their blood and a swear to the Gods that it won't be broken by either side.