Qi Manifestation

A day later Lu Bu left Puyang with his family and his men while Yun stayed behind teaching his twins in the morning how to manifest their Qi since they are almost ten even if they celebrate their birthday on New Year.

Yun was sitting behind the twins while Huang Zhong, Xian, and Diao Chan were watching over them making sure that nobody disturbs Yun and the twins since it could harm the twins if they lose concentration.

Yun used Heavenly Qi instead of his Mixed Qi or Demonic Qi since Fang and Mulan are mortals. It is rare for a mortal to awaken Demonic Qi. He puts his hand on their backs and begins to circulate Qi through their body.

"Feel the Qi and let it flow through your body," says Yun to his children as they felt the Qi flow through their body.

They began to sweat out the impurity inside of their body as Yun says, "Circulate the Qi through your body let it flow like a river which starts and ends at a big lake in the middle of your body."

The twins began to circulate the Qi themselves as Yun pulled his Qi out so there would be no harm once they awaken their own elements. He didn't remove his hands from their back since he was spectating the flow of Qi inside his children's bodies.

Soon he saw Fire and Lightning spread through their bodies before he sees Earth joining them. Fang received Lightning and Earth Qi while Mulan received Fire and Earth Qi.

It is quite an anomaly that Fang has Lightning Qi. But at the same time, it wasn't, since Yun's instinct always tells him to use Lightning Qi most of the time making him believe that Lightning must have been his First Element between them all.

He removes his hands and looks at the twins before saying, "Now try to feel the same energy in the air around you."

"It feels strange," says Mulan hesitant about it which made Yun smile.

"It feels strange because the Qi you are feeling belongs to the Planet we live on. Qi lives in everything from the smallest being to the biggest being on our Planet," says Yun explaining to his children what Athena taught him about Qi.

"So even a plant has Qi?" asks Mulan curious but not losing concentration.

"Yes, they have even more Qi than you might believe. A tree can live for many years because of the Qi it stored over the years. It absorbs more than enough Qi over the year so once winter hits it can survive the harsh cold and bloom again once it is over to show its majestic form," says Yun taking the cycle of a tree as an example.

"Now then," says Yun after half an hour to stop the twins from gathering Qi in their bodies.

"It is time to show you how to manifest the Qi," says Yun as he stands up and he began to be covered by a blue aura with some small lightning passing over his body.

"Your aura will be thinner than this since this is your first time but over the years you both will have a similar aura," says Yun as the color of his aura changes to brown and dust could be seen form around his body, before it changes to red and flames appear on his palm.

"Just remember to not fear your element," says Yun as his aura turned white and light appears in his hands.

"The element that you create can't harm you or the people around you except you want to harm them," says Yun as his aura turned black and darkness began to spread.

Yun touches his children and they couldn't feel any pain when Yun says, "Now try to gather your aura by making your Qi flow faster pushing it out of your body. Imagine it like a second skin layered over your actual skin."

Fang was the first showing that he has talent when it comes to Qi as it was a very thin blue layer that just covered his left hand while Mulan could only cover three of her fingers on the right hand as they were engulfed in a red aura.

"Good, you have taken your first steps in manifesting your Qi. Now everything is in your hands. Neither I nor the others can help you in your Qi training. We can only guide you but you need to take your own steps from now on," says Yun as he pets their heads feeling proud that his children have a talent for Qi since it would take a year to even generate what they have accomplished with his help.

The twins smiled at him happily to not have disappointed their father when Yun lifts them up easily before saying, "How about we celebrate your success with your favorite dish?"

"Meatballs!" shout both siblings at the same time which made Yun and Diao Chan laugh while the older people were confused about what the twins said as was Zhang who was in his mother's arms.

"Meatballs?" asks Xian confused and curious since his imagination was running wild thinking of balls made out of flesh.

Huang Zhong was the same when Yun laughs at the two old men before he says, "How about you explain to grandpa Xian and Zhong what meatballs are while I help the servants to prepare them."

"Yes," say the twins before Yun puts them down again.

Yun then walks towards the kitchen while Mulan and Fang began to explain to Huang Zhong and Xian what meatballs are.

In the kitchen, some of the servants were surprised to see Yun in it. They were mostly people that didn't work for him before in Zhending as Yun suddenly grabbed a pan and some plates before he grabbed his secret stash of meat and began to grind it in a pot.

Once small enough he forms them into balls and puts them on the pan until they were done. Yun made enough meatballs for his family and his current guests.

He returns to the main hall finding the twins waiting as the servants had already prepared the rice and served it while the two old men were waiting for the meatballs that the twins were talking about.

Yun places the plates down before them and two little mountains stood before them as Mulan and Fang immediately began to hoard their precious food while Xian and Huang Zhong picked one up to taste it first before going all-out.

Madam Su soon arrived with Diao Chan and the others finding them eating before they arrived which made Madam Su hit her husband's back of the head with her fan.

"It seems like you don't care about your wife lately with all the war around the Empire," says Madam Su intimidating Xian a bit which made Yun as well as Diao Chan, Hua, and Qing smile while Huang Zhong stopped what he was doing as well before more plates were served.

Wei Yan and his mother joined them as well as Hua was thinking of serving those while they were camping outside with the army as a morale booster since not everyone could eat meat even more so outside.

The Zhao Family itself eats meat only twice a week since Snowflake hunts for them and for himself. An average household would have meat only once a month or once every two months depending on the situation.

"It wouldn't work since there are too many men and far too little meat to distribute them fairly around the soldiers. That's why we mostly make stew when we are camping outside with the wild we catch," says Yun since stew or plain rice was better than starving to death.

"What are we celebrating by the way?" asks Hua curiously as Huang Zhong was sitting with the family at the table.

"We are celebrating your nephew's and niece's progress in manifesting an aura," says Yun proudly as they could see it.

Yun would never show his proud side since he says that it could cloud his mind of something really dangerous on the battlefield. Even at home when he talked about the Coalition against Dong Zhuo he showed nothing while talking about it.

"So they can manifest their Qi already," says Wei Yan surprised as he was fourteen when he finally was able to manifest it without Yun's help.

"I think, we were their age when we first manifested our Qi, am I right?" asks Hua as he wasn't sure at the moment.

"You were ten and scared the hell out of me while I was training you," says Xian as Hua manifested it around his hands back then.

He surprised Xian so much that Xian let go of his spear when it happened. Xian later found out that Yun was teaching Hua how to manifest his Qi since they began to train together in the morning.

"But we all want to know when Yun manifested it the first time. I remember that I was seven when he showed it to me the first time," says Hua curious about it since Yun never revealed when he first manifested his Qi.

"I was quite young when it happened and I would have been around my seventh year when I manifested my Qi. I never showed it to Father or Mother since they were looking after you and then came Qing some years later. I was fourteen when I showed Father my manifestation which was already covering my body by then," says Yun as he raised his cup and says, "Let us raise our cups for the next generation of Zhao Family, may they be more glorious than the last one."

"Cheers," says everyone as they drink out their cup before continuing eating.

Qing was helping her son eat with Wei Yan's help while Yun was holding the full Zhang letting Diao Chan eat while he helps Zhang with his digestion.

They all stay together for today knowing that tomorrow Yun will be leaving for Xuchang again to defend it in Cao Cao's absence.