Yun training Li Dian and Li Zheng

Xiahou Dun and the others find Xu Chu and his men before he asks a bit nervous, "Where is my cousin?"

"I have bought him time so he could run away with Xun Yu. They should be some hours away from the main camp," says Xu Chu exhausted from the fighting.

"What were his orders before he left?" asks Xiahou Yuan seriously as Xu Chu looks at him.

"We are retreating back home. We can't fight on three fronts at the same time. Lu Bu is at our North and Tao Qian and Liu Bei are at the South- and Northeast. Xun Yu suggested the retreat and our Lord commanded the retreat but we were attacked before we could send word to the fronts," says Xu Chu as he turned pale and spewed some blood out of his mouth.

"Is something wrong?" asks Cao Ren worried seeing what just happened.

"I used too much Qi. I will be alright after a long rest," says Xu Chu feeling weaker by the second.

He falls over unconscious but Cao Ren and Xiahou Yuan grabbed him before he could touch the ground when Xiahou Yuan says seriously, "We should retreat then. Cousin, can you be the Rear Guard while we get Xu Chu and his men out of here."

"Leave it to me, Cousin," says Xiahou Dun as he turned around to command his men while the others prepared everything to retreat and leave the Xu Province for now.

In the meantime in Xuchang, Yun is standing on the training field near the barracks as Li Dian and Li Zheng are standing across from him when Yun takes a step forward and says, "General Li want me to train you in the 'Art of War' and I complied to do so on my terms."

"Shouldn't we be in a more peaceful place?" asks Li Dian confused as the soldiers were training on the same field as them.

"Have you ever seen a silent battlefield?" asks Yun back at Li Dian which made Li Zheng hit his ribcage lightly making him shut up.

"If you can't use your Qi while hearing noises it will be useless to even cultivate it since the battlefield won't silence just so you can concentrate," says Yun as he walks towards the weapon racks.

"Pick your weapon and meet me in the center," says Yun as he picked up a spear and a shield from the rack before walking to the center between his men without disturbing the flow of the practice they were doing.

Yun waited for both to arrive at the center. They reached him with difficulties as they stumbled through the people training disturbing them.

Yun sighs seeing them as they were holding a sword in their hands when he says, "It seems neither of the two can see the flow of a battlefield."

Yun then pierces the ground with the spear and lets go of it and says, "Come at me with everything you have. I need to see how good you two are."

They were nervously looking at Yun not knowing what to do since he wasn't holding a weapon in their minds when Li Zheng asks, "Are you sure about that?"

"You don't see a shield as a weapon. A big mistake I once made as well," says Yun with a grin on his face before taking a step forward while saying, "From today on you will be seeing a shield as the most dangerous weapon on the battlefield."

They try to engage him but Yun deflects one sword with the shield before gripping the wrist of Li Zheng who was holding the sword before ramming the edge of the shield into the abdomen of Li Zheng making him kneel because of the pain.

The next moment Li Zheng only saw the shield approach his face before everything went black for him. Yun looked at Li Dian who now understood why Yun called a shield a weapon holding his sword now in both hands while trying to keep his cool.

"Are you scared?" asks Yun emotionless as he looked like a beast to Li Dian who didn't want to nod but still did so.

"Good, feeling scared means that you aren't a crazy person that will die on the battlefield thinking that you are invincible. I meet some of those and it never ended well for those crazy-fuckers," says Yun looking at Li Dian who was trying to control his body from shaking.

"Come at me with everything you have," says Yun seriously as he takes a step forward again when Li Dian rushes at him.

Li Dian tries to strike again but Yun deflected the sword again before Li Diam saw the shield approach his face before everything turned dark for him as well.

Yun looked at both knocked-out trainees and sighed before Dian Wei approaches them before asking, "Do they have some potential?"

"They have potential but I won't bring everything out since they could become our enemies in the future," says Yun identifying a raw diamond when he sees one.

"Cao Cao is quite lucky to have such talented people but if he lets me mold them I will only do a half-ass job since they will be of more use to me that way," says Yun as he grabs both of them by their ankle and drags them from the training field.

"Too bad that we can't recruit them," says Dian Wei as he walked beside Yun.

"Maybe in twenty or thirty years but for now we will have to play with the cards we got dealt with," says Yun to Dian Wei as Tang Shi was approaching them.

"It seems they are quite done for today," says Tang Shi looking at the unconscious Li Dian and Li Zheng.

"They went through Yun's 'The Shield is a Weapon'-routine and were knocked out by him. They will be remembering this the next few days," says Diam Wei with a grin that made Tang Shi grin as well.

"I remember that we couldn't eat anything solid for two days because of the pain we felt by opening our mouth," says Tang Shi as he looked at the poor fellas on the ground while remembering how Yun took him and the other nine out using a shield.

"I learned it the hard way as well," says Dian Wei remembering how he and Gan Ning were taken out by a shield while Huang Zhong was watching from the sideline.

Yun drops both at the side of the training field before he rolls his head before looking at the sky and saying, "I have warmed up. How about you spar with me Dian Wei? I need someone that can hold his own against me."

Dian Wei took a step backward while scratching his head and says, "I have to train my men. I think Tang Shi will profit the most from this experience."

"I have other matters to attend to," says Tang Shi trying to escape the sparring with Yun when Yun grabs them both.

"Tang Shi, why did you come here in the first place?" asks Yun curious about it since Tang Shi wouldn't come just to see Yun take out some young men that are still green behind their ears.

"Right, I forgot about that," says Tang Shi remembering why he originally wanted on the training field.

"I wanted to get your permission to take a group of recruits to clean some bandits that are laying on the path between Puyang and Xuchang. They haven't shown themselves because of our big army but merchants seem to complain about them. It will increase our favor from the people and the merchants," says Tang Shi suggesting something good to Yun who let go of Dian Wei and Tang Shi.

"I allow it. Take fifty of our novices it will form them," says Yun thinking that it is a good idea to clean the bandits on the path between Puyang and Xuchang since they could become a problem if they grow bigger than they already are.

"But retreat if they are too many t fight them with only fifty men," says Yun as Tang Shi nods happily that Yun allowed him to deal with the bandits.

"I will do so," says Tang Shi not afraid of some bandits before he grabs fifty men from the training ground.

Yun on the other hand walked back into the middle of the training ground to pick up the spear. He closed his eyes as he imagined Athena before himself this time to spar against.

Athena was holding her Gorgon Shield and her Righteous Lance. Yun goes into his fighting position positioning his shield before him while the spear was placed over it pointing it at Athena.

Athena does the same before she began to shine and she moves like a flash appearing before Yun. She smashes her shield against Yun trying to make him lose his balance.

Yun seeing that he would lose his balance just leaps backward using the force Athena used against him. He lands not losing his balance but Athena didn't leave him any room to breathe as always.

She appears before him again and uses her lance to pierce through Yun's shield breaking it into pieces before piercing his chest killing him in this imagination sparring.

Yun smiles as he looked at air and his Qi flairs up and he says, "Again."

He fights Athena again as she begins with the same move but this time Yun is only pushed back a little before he tries to lift his shield upwards which would open Athena's defense only to find out that Athena's defense was impenetrable as always.

He only smiles as Athena pierces him through the chest again while he only gets to scratch Athena's helmet.

He stood on the training ground again and feels like he was dying before he says to himself feeling excited, "Again."

Before he stands straight again. Athena stood before him again as he fights against her for another time trying another approach this time but to no avail, Athena was standing over Yun again making Yun understand why she was called by the Gods as 'Impenetrable Fortress'.