Order to Mobilization

Days passed again and Yun was watching Mulan training her archery while Sun Quan joined her and Huixiu trying to bond with the Zhao Princess since she is a beautiful young woman.

He was watching the young master of the Zhao Clan train with his uncle at the moment instead of training with his father who was entertaining Cheng Pu at the moment.

"So what do you think?" asks Cheng Pu a bit nervous since Yun was a force that wasn't bound to any major fraction by marriage.

This was an opportunity for Sun Quan to rope Yun to their cause since Yun only had one daughter and Yun seemed to be a monogamous person not like the men in Cheng Pu's eyes.

"I think that she is bored at the moment," says Yun as he looked at Cheng Pu who seemed nervous when Yun smiles at him.

"I was joking, I talked to her about Sun Quan and she seemed to have a bit of interest in Sun Quan," says Yun as he looked at Sun Quan seriously with a bit of killing intent.

"But I won't surrender my daughter that easily," says Yun coldly trying to intimidate Cheng Pu with his voice while glaring at Sun Quan.

Cheng Pu was quite nervous about Yun since he wasn't like a traditional Chinese man that would marry his daughter off for more power. It was quite the opposite, he would defend his daughter as if she was his firstborn son.

Yun seemed to have changed the whole Zhao Clan without knowing it when he and his brother became overprotective of their younger sister without his parents noticing it.

The Clan seemed to value their daughters more than their sons at the moment going by what he was seeing Fang undergoing a merciless training regime but he always stood up after falling even when he couldn't hold his spear right.

"Isn't it dangerous for your son to train like that?" asks Cheng Pu curious about what Yun would say.

"Isn't it dangerous on the battlefield? I rather have him face difficulties here where he can't be killed than on the battlefield where one mistake cost you your life," says Yun approving of how Hua was training Fang at the moment.

Yun was looking at his Fang who seemed far stronger than before his mother died. This makes Yun wonder about his wife's origin since Fang was recovering faster than a normal human as were his siblings.

"I think, I have seen enough. You can join them if you want. I have matters to attend to," says Yun inviting Cheng Pu to join Sun Quan before leaving.

Yun returned to the manor to be precise he entered his study and began to read the reports on his table when he sees a letter coming from Cao Cao.

He opens it and reads it before a smile appears on his face while asking, "Tai, have you heard about what happened in the Xu Province?"

"Liu Bei rebelled against Cao Cao seizing the Xu Province again under Cao Cao's nose. He used the absence of Cao Cao's army and the weak newly formed army to his advantage. But he is still residing in Xiaopei while his younger brother Guan Yu is residing in Xiapi," says Taiyin who appears out of nowhere behind Yun kneeling on one knee showing respect to her Lord.

"Then you must know what I am holding at the moment, am I right?" asks Yun happy when he turns around and looks at Taiyin who nods.

"An order of mobilization," says Taiyin seeing her master happy about it.

"That's right, but only I am being mobilized since the others need to recuperate from the last war. What do you think this means?" asks Yun excited about it while Taiyin was confused.

Yun could see her confusion when Yun says, "That means that if I drive Liu Bei away, I will be the Inspector of the Xu Province."

Taiyin opened her eyes wide from hearing that when Yun continues, "Cao Cao is trying to tie me to his war-chariot since his son failed to court my daughter by giving me what he couldn't give me before."

"Now it is different. If I alone can resolve this he can make me the Inspector without much resistance from the people around him and he would gain far more than I by sending me away now," says Yun seeing through Cao Cao.

"He wants Puyang, that son of a bitch," says Taiyin furious connecting everything together.

Puyang was a city that was prospering at the moment and Cao Cao saw that. He couldn't let Yun stay in control of the city while the Xu Province was still trying to recuperate from the last war.

"That's right, Puyang has become self-reliant and Cao Cao wants me to rely on him so he can control me. What he doesn't know is that he playing into my hands," says Yun not angry with Cao Cao.

"What do you have in mind?" asks Taiyin curious why Yun wasn't showing ire on his face but happiness.

"Xiapi is the best place for us to stay since it isn't near Cao Cao's watchful eyes and once our agreed time is over we can leave without making much noise," says Yun as he walked past Taiyin who stood up to follow him.

"Are you still not sleeping in your bed?" asks Taiyin worried about Yun.

"One day I will sleep in that bed again but for now let me grieve my own way," says Yun in a sad tone as they left the manor.

They moved to the barracks where they would find Tang Shi dealing with smaller reports regarding the troops that he deals with for Yun when he sees Yun and Taiyin.

"Don't steal your brother's wife candidate now," says Tang Shi joking about Yun and Taiyin coming together to see him.

"I would never do that," says Yun with a smile since he got the joke when he says, "Order the men to prepare for mobilization. We are going back to Xu."

"Did something happen there?" asks Tang Shi worried as Yun gives Tang Shi the letter he received.

Tang Shi reads the letter before sighing and saying, "He wants us out of here."

"That's right," says Yun not denying Tang Shi's words.

"But we gain a whole Province thanks to that," says Yun with confidence as Tang Shi wrote the order of mobilization and told his men to place them on the boards all around the city.

"Will your son and daughter join us this time?" asks Tang Shi as Yun began to think.

"Fang will be joining us. Mulan, I am not sure yet," says Yun as he looked at Taiyin and asks, "Do you think Mulan is ready to carry her weight on the battlefield?"

"She is more than ready, my Lord," says Taiyin seriously to Yun who only nods.

"Fine, Mulan will be joining Taishi Ci's unit while Fang will be under Lu Bu's command," says Yun seriously surprising Tang Shi and Taiyin.

"You aren't going to take Fang under your wings?" asks Tang Shi confused that he placed Fang under Lu Bu instead of Huang Zhong.

"I would love to have my son beside me when I take the battlefield. But he is still too young and inexperienced to follow his reckless father into battle. You all know that I firsthand rush into the enemy while riding Thunder," says Yun as he wants his son to gain more experience before joining him.

"Dian Wei won't like it at all. He was hoping that the young master would join you so you wouldn't take such reckless decisions making his job easier," says Tang Shi smiling almost laughing to see Dian Wei's reaction when he hears that Fang wouldn't be beside Yun.

"Dian Wei really hates to follow me into battle since he is the only one except for Fang and Lu Bu to have a mare with the blood of Thunder in it," says Yun which made it easier for Dian Wei to follow Yun without risking his own life because his horse got killed when Yun and he breach the enemy's lines.

"He will hate you for it," says Taiyin in her usual cold tone making Yun chuckle.

"Yes, he will and he will even voice it at me. But he would never neglect his duty to protect me," says Yun with confidence as he trusts Dian Wei with his life.

Yun then retreated with Taiyin and he asks, "When are you going to marry my brother?"

"How did you know?" asks Taiyin seriously as she didn't let Hua leak this information while Yun didn't turn around and continued walking.

"Hua is far too excited the ultimate last months. I would be blind not to notice it since he is my younger brother," says Yun feeling happy that Taiyin agreed to marry Hua since she is a strong woman that Yun doesn't need to worry about.

"It was going to be this year in the summer a small and quiet wedding but Cao Cao seems to have crossed our plans with the mobilization order," says Taiyin revealing it to Yun since he would find out sooner or later.

"I could leave him behind but he would never forgive me if I were to do that," says Yun knowing his brother far too well.

"He wouldn't," says Taiyin knowing what Yun meant since Hua was at the moment at almost the same rank as Taishi Ci when it comes to merit inside of Yun's troops.

If he couldn't fight in the next war Taishi Ci would escape him again and Hua wanted to stand over everyone else.

"Then we will have to hold the wedding the moment you and the others arrive at Xiapi. We will make it a small one but it won't be quiet," says Yun since he didn't want them to marry in secrecy.

"If you say so," says Taiyin as Yun turns around towards her.

"You can relax when you are talking to me if you want. You will be my sister-in-law after all once this war is over. I await to see my nephew or niece soon after," says Yun joking with Taiyin who felt a bit embarrassed but didn't show it on her face keeping her professionalism intact.

"I won't be his breeding mare," says Taiyin seriously as Yun only turns around again.

"Nobody said that but it is common knowledge that we Zhao's are quite fertile. Just look at the evidence my sister and my wife gave birth right away after getting married. It is quite impossible for you to escape the first night with my brother," says Yun joking with Taiyin trying to make her lose her coolness to show emotions.

He succeeded as he felt Taiyin hit his shoulder using her first as Yun sees a Taiyin who has red cheeks and her eyes seemed to have lost her naturally cool demeanor.

"I have never thought about that," says Taiyin in a panic as she has forgotten about it since Diao Chan gave the first time birth before Taiyin became a soldier in Yun's ranks.

"What should I do?" asks Taiyin nervous since she heard that giving birth was the biggest pain a woman would ever feel in their life.

"Just accept it and get it over with. My wife did it three times and the first time was the most painful one," says Yun informing her as they reached the manor.

They continued talking for a while until Yun could calm Taiyin down making her forget all her nervousness and embarrassment before she left to meet her future husband while Yun looked over some documents before ending his day.