Yuan Shao's Death

It was almost the end of winter when it hit Yun with the news of Yuan Shao's passing away. Yun knew that the day would come sooner or later but he wanted Zheng to be ready for that day since that day spelled the beginning of the next war.

Yun was observing the north carefully using his spy network which informed him of the inheritance war that broke out between the legally appointed heir, Yuan Shang, and the first son, Yuan Tan.

Cao Cao was looking at the north smelling an opportunity to conquer it completely but Xun You and Xun Yu convinced him not to attack the north just yet and wait for the right opportunity while attacking the Jing Province showing the north that he wasn't interested in.

"A storm is brewing," says Pang Tong sitting across from Yun as they are playing chess.

"I know," says Yun knowing full well that he will most likely be summoned to take the north once the opportunity arrives.

"It seems that our contract with Cao Cao is expiring soon as well," says Pang Tong as he moves a pawn forward threatening of taking Yun's Knight.

"It is, but until then we will work for Cao Cao," says Yun who was ignoring Cao Cao's orders of attacking Sun Quan having only his army stationed in the south feigning an attack while informing his future son-in-law that he was only making a scene with which Cao Cao will be pleased since Yun know his real objective.

Soon the war between the firstborn, Yuan Tan, against his little brothers, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang will break out and he needed every man and woman in his army to help Cao Cao win the north.

"So why are we really at the border between Xu and Yang and don't tell me that it is because we are feigning a campaign against Sun Quan. You wouldn't have brought your family with you if that was the case," says Pang Tong seriously as he sees Yun moving his bishop around the board flanking his knight and threatening check.

"The winter is almost over and we both know that Mulan was awaiting this moment for a long time," says Yun with a smile on his face while Pang Tong was confused by Yun's previous move.

"So we are here to marry your daughter off to the current enemy and maybe future ally. Seeing your grand scheme unfolding toward the south if Cao Cao ever threatens to invade we can escape to Sun Quan thanks to Mulan," says Pang Tong as he takes Yun's knight before Yun takes his.

"Who said that we will escape to the south," says Yun seeing Pang Tong taking the bishop he sacrificed to take Pang Tong's knight when Yun continues, "If my grand scheme unfolds as it should we will take Cao Cao's head in five years counting ahead since the winter is almost over."

Yun then takes Pang Tong's pawn who had taken his knight beforehand with a pawn before saying, "But things can still get difficult until then."

"For example?" asks Pang Tong curious as he moves his bishop preparing to mate Yun with his next move only for Yun to Castling preventing Pang Tong's mate.

"Jing could fall earlier than expected or the North doesn't fall as foreseen. There are still so many variables that I am not taking into account," says Yun as Pang Tong moves his Queen.

"Check, The inheritance war has already begun and Yuan Shao's remaining forces have split up in two as many see Yuan Tan as a better heir since he was responsible for Qing the whole time while his brothers were living in their father's shadow," says Pang Tong remembering what Yun did a year ago in Xiapi.

"Is it that why you left it clear that Fang was the next head if you were to die so no inheritance war breaks out in case of your demise," says Pang Tong moving his eyes away from the board and Yun put his hand on the King before removing it again.

"Definitely, I don't want my children to fight each other just because they want to hold power. Just look at me and Hua, we are brothers that never fought each other for anything except for who is the strongest. But never for wealth or power," says Yun seeing Pang Tong move his Queen without looking forward.

"Checkmate," says Pang Tong sure that he won this game when Yun begins to laugh out loud.

"Are you sure?" asks Yun sarcastically as Pang Tong looked down on the board again seeing that Yun never moved a piece.

"You slimy bastard," says Pang Tong seeing that he made an illegal move by moving twice losing by default.

"You never learn," says Yun knowing that he used said move once before on Pang Tong but he didn't think it would pass again.

"*low grunt* Anyway, when do you plan to move towards Jianye?" asks Pang Tong in defeat.

"Tomorrow I will travel to Jianye with my family. Zhang He and Dian Wei will be accompanying us to protect us. You and Tang Shi hold the reigns until my return," says Yun seriously as he stood up and put the pieces and board away.

"What do I tell the messengers if Cao Cao sends some to help him conquer the North?" asks Pang Tong curious about which excuse he will have for this.

"Tell them that we will join him shortly after our campaign against Sun Quan," says Yun since they were only playing war at the moment.

"No strength to imagine a better excuse for you missing his orders?" asks Pang Tong a bit disappointed when Zhen Luo gets closer holding a bundle of joy in her arms while a small boy was clinging to her leg.

"I won't run away, Yang," says Zhen Luo with warmth in her tone reassuring the boy that she wouldn't run away.

"M-mom, I w-want to see her," says Yang continuing to hold on to Zhen Luo making it obvious that he wanted to see the bundle of joy which Zhen Luo is holding in her arms.

"It seems your wife is here," says Pang Tong wanting to leave them alone when Yun found a better excuse.

"Tell the messengers that my newborn daughter is sick and that we will be joining as soon as possible," says Yun looking at his youngest who was born two weeks ago.

Zhen Luo was still trying to recuperate her former body but that could wait in Yun's eyes as their daughter looked a lot like her, her name is Zhao Ai. Zhen Yi was a bit disappointed about the fact that Zhen Luo gave birth to a girl instead of a boy but there he was the only one.

Pang Tong leaves with a smile on his face while Yun stood up and offered Zhen Luo his seat before taking Yang away from Zhen Luo. Yang would be four instead of five going by tradition since he was born in the winter of 198 making him younger than he really is.

Yun placed Yang on his shoulder while looking at Zhen Luo and asking, "Did she eat already?"

"Yes, she ate already," says Zhen Luo a bit angry because Ai is an energetic girl resembling Rin who is running around the whole day without feeling exhausted at all.

Yun looks at his youngest and stretches his right hand out toward her when he feels the girl grab on his pinky making him say, "She will be a strong one as well."

"So endless stamina and strength as well. I think she was born the wrong gender then," says Zhen Luo joking about it in a warm tone as she looked at Yang sitting on Yun's shoulders.

"Well, at least she has a brother that is always watching her," says Zhen Luo meaning Yang who was at all times beside Ai.

"Rin must be over her as well when she isn't training or commanding the animals around," says Yun letting Ai squeeze on his pinky.

Yun is right now thirty-six almost thirty-seven and he was still fascinated by the thought of having children since they are his legacy making him look at Zhen Luo with excitement which Zhen Luo caught on.

"We have to wait for at least until next winter. I want to enjoy my time with Yang and Ai before having another member in our family," says Zhen Luo seriously thinking that Yun wanted to torture her with his big meat again.

"Oh, I am a patient man, I can wait for a while before putting another one inside," whispers Yun to Zhen Luo so Yang wouldn't hear them.

"I will wait for it," says Zhen Luo excited since she wanted to give Yun another child if she could.

"So are we moving out tomorrow?" asks Zhen Luo a bit worried as Yun nods.

"Yes, tomorrow we will move toward Jianye. It should take us two maybe three days to get there from here and Sun Quan should be awaiting us," says Yun trying to ease the worries that Zhen Luo has about this situation.

"I can hear that you want to ease up the situation we are in at the moment but soon war will be breaking out again with Yuan Shao's death," says Zhen Luo worried since Zheng would be joining the frontline this time as well as did his older brother and sister before him.

"Zheng will be fine. He is being trained by the best after all," says Yun confident that Zheng would be able to survive in this coming war when he looked to the side seeing Hua looking after his wife and son.

"I am confident that we will overcome this hurdle with some trouble but everyone will return home," says Yun with confidence as he kisses Zhen Luo before kissing Ai's forehead and putting Yang down so he could prepare for the travel to Jianye.