The Battle for Nanpi final part

Zheng opened the gate using almost the same method as his father which caused a bit more destruction than his father produced as the gate just blasted into the city killing the soldiers behind it while the wall was shaking madly from the force released by Zheng.

'I think, I overdid it,' thinks Zheng seeing only blood covering the ground with bits of flesh and guts over it.

Zheng continued to rush in following the soldiers as they found the enemy stunned and still recovering from seeing the gate coming their way. It wasn't something that would happen ever that the gate to fly off its hinges and blast into the city.

Zheng took this opportunity to rush his spear tip through the first enemy standing before him when he realized his small mistake as he couldn't pull his spear out in time to block the next attack forcing him to break his spear and use the wooden shaft to block the incoming attack.

The sword hits the shaft and cuts a bit into it making the shaft show its durability before Zheng kicks the enemy bringing the enemy to his knee. Zheng let go of the shaft with one hand and punched the enemy in the face making him fall backward while letting go of his weapon.

Zheng then took the opportunity to change weapons by taking the sword of his enemy and ramming it into his chest killing him in the progress before looking for his next enemy when he only saw chaos before his eyes.

Soldiers were killing each other and blood was sullying the ground when Zheng took a step back from seeing this horror only to bump into the person behind him.

Zheng turned around and saw Huang Zhong who looked him in the eyes and says, "This is war, boy. You need to embrace the chaos around you and keep moving forward. With every second you waste on this battlefield the more men will die because of it. So take a deep breath and clear your head before charging again."

Zheng did as Huang Zhong said and took a deep breath before charging again into the enemy holding a sword that wasn't his. Huang Zhong was looking out for Zheng since Yun asked him to do so since it was the first time Zheng would be fighting in one battle actively.

Yun wasn't worried about Fang since this was the second war he was participating in, unlike his younger brother who was still a novice compared to him. Zheng might have participated in raids against bandits but compared to a war that was nothing and Zheng was feeling it with every fiber of his being.

He slayed another enemy down before letting go of the sword which got stuck in the body of his enemy before taking another weapon that was lying around the ground. This time it was a Guandao, Zheng tried to use it almost like a spear since both were long-range weapons but he soon found out that the Guandao is wielded differently by taking some glances at Huang Zhong who fell his enemies with a clean sweep instead of piercing them.

Zheng continued swinging the Guandao until it snapped in two from the Qi he was using before blocking the next attack with the remaining shaft before spinning the shaft making the enemy lose his footing before ramming the broken end of the shaft into the chest of his enemy.

Zheng then took the next weapon in his hands which was a sword that looked like it would break on the next impact as he saw Fang passing him with his troops going directly into the city leaving him and the others to deal with the enemy near the south gate.

Zheng didn't know what was going on as his brother passed him and he wasn't interested at the moment since he was struggling with keeping his new weapon intact before having to grab a new one out of need.

He cut down his next enemy only to find the blade missing afterward. The enemy saw an opportunity and swung his sword at Zheng who jumped in and used his forearm to stop the enemy from taking the swing before ramming the handle with the broken blade into his throat.

Zheng was slowly getting exhausted when he heard a roar coming from behind him which filled him with energy again. He turned around and saw his father sitting on Thunder holding his spear and shield ready to end the fight.

"The battle is over!" shouts Yun taking everyone's attention when he points with his hand into the city which is hissing his banner from all the other gates and the middle of the city.

"Surrender now and I will show leniency. Enough good men died today. You don't need to join them," says Yun seeing he had everyone's attention and was holding back his Qi.

The enemy began to drop their weapons as they all knew it was over since they were surrounded by all sides. Zheng was looking up at his father seeing him just like every other soldier would see him at this moment as he was radiating an aura of dominance and reassurance from himself.

Yun looked at his son who was looking at him while seeing amazement from his eyes as if he had done something great just by talking down the enemy. He then looked toward Huang Zhong who was feeling alive again after standing on a battlefield again.

"Take the surrendered soldiers to the barracks and keep them there," whispers Yun to Huang Zhong seriously since he would rather take care of Yuan Tan now that his defense against him is low instead of waiting for Cao Cao's order.

"I will do as ordered," says Huang Zhong taking the request seriously and telling only his trusted men to take the prisoners to the barracks.

Yun then turned to Zheng seeing him without his spear. Yun knew that it would happen sooner or later that one of his sons would need an iron spear instead of using one with a wooden shaft.

"It seems that I will have to request a better spear for you once we get back to Xiapi. But for now, open your hands," says Yun seriously as Zheng does as his father said and Yun drops his spear into his son's hands before continuing, "You will be using my spear. I will be using another weapon until we return."

"Yes, Father," says Zheng happy that he could use his father's spear while Yun doesn't see the importance of what he just did since the spear is only a weapon to him while for many it is a symbol, and with Zheng using it, it had a whole new meaning which Yun didn't want to bring up again since he thought that he made it clear year's ago.

Zheng accepted the spear happily before he heard, "But take a shower for now. You are covered in blood and you smell just as bad."

"Yes, Father," says Zheng rushing off to clean himself while carrying Yun's heavy spear.

Yun looked at Lu Xun who was also covered in blood and just gave him a thumbs-up before leaving on Thunder toward the east gate since he had to prepare for Yuan Tan's reaction. Now that they are alone he could retaliate against Yun for what he did to his father in the past.

Lu Xun on the other hand was confused by Yun's antic as he began to think that he might have done something wrong before running behind Zheng hoping to make up for his mistake.

Yun let the soldiers stationed at the east gate open the gate as he, Dian Wei, and Zhang He went out to meet with Yuan Tan and his army.

"What do we do if they attack us?" asks Zhang He a bit worried while following Yun.

"We return to Nanpi," says Yun seriously since he didn't want to risk the lives of Zhang He and Dian Wei because of his foolishness of always charging at the enemy.

"And if they don't attack?" asks Dian Wei curious since he saw Yun exchange some words with Huang Zhong.

"Then we will kill Yuan Tan inside the city making it look like the prisoners rioted and killed him out of anger for him allying with Cao Cao. It might help us gain more soldiers this way," says Yun getting a bit greedy by wanting to incorporate Yuan Tan's army into his own.

"That could work if we don't face him head-on," says Zhang He hopeful that they aren't running or better said riding into an ambush.

The trio was almost near the army when Yun noticed the front of the army opening a pathway for the three riders to ride inside the formation. They soon arrived where Yun wanted to go and found Yuan Tan with two of his trusted men.

One is a person Yun knew from the Battle of Guandu who was Yuan Shao's strategist back then, Guo Tu. Yun doesn't know how he survived back then but it seems he was doing great under Yuan Tan as well.

The other was named Guan Tong. He is a young man in his early twenties with long black hair and tanned skin showing that he is a man standing mostly under the sun training.

"General Yuan," says Yun showing respect to Yuan Tan by calling him 'General'.

"General Zhao, I can see that you were faster than me in conquering Nanpi," says Yuan Tan not showing any emotion as he looked at the smoke coming out of the city.

"I did what I had to do. If you want you can enter the city with your men to rest in a bed instead of the ground," says Yun suggesting Yuan Tan to rest in the city.

Guo Tu wanted to say something to Yuan Tan but he only lifted his hand stopping him before saying, "I will gladly accept your offer."

Guo Tu was furious that Yuan Tan had ignored him and everyone could see it which made Yun spin now a new plan around Yuan Tan's assassination as they returned to Nanpi.