Fang's and Huixiu's Wedding

Two years passed since Gan Ning left with Zheng and Sun Ren, Yun was sitting beside Zhen Luo who was holding Zhao Min a little clever girl while Ai was sitting on her father's lap.

Yang was sitting beside Zhen Luo holding a book in his hands while Rin was sitting beside Yun petting one of the Tigers that was allowed to this feast since they were attending Fang's and Huixiu's wedding.

Yun had invited Cao Cao who didn't come but in his stead came Xiahou Yuan and Cao Ren trying to keep appearance for him because of what happened two years ago.

Lu Bu and Madam Wei were sitting across from Yun with their youngest son who was almost the same age as Yang. Most of the generals and commanders were around as well as some rich folk and nobles who could buy themselves into the wedding to try to find some profit in it by forming some bonds or connections which Yun took advantage of easily.

Yun watched his oldest getting married with a little glare on his face since everyone could see why the wedding was pushed forward with Huixiu having a big belly in which twins could live in.

Madam Wei and Zhen Luo didn't have anything against it while Lu Bu had the same expression as Yun since it showed a lack of discipline for them to have a shotgun wedding instead of a normal one.

The wedding went on into the night thanks to Hua before Yun sent everyone away except for his generals and commanders since he needed to talk to them.

He told them that war was coming and that this war would change the board on which they were standing on before sending them away as well. Yun then turned to Fang and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"If I should fall in the coming war I want you to listen to Pang Tong for a while since I gave him instruction in case I fell before my time," says Yun before removing his hands and continuing saying while walking away, "I know that I cast a big shadow that seems to swallow you all but my shadow is nothing against the shadow I had to jump out from. So when the time comes jump out of my shadow and lead this family as I did before you and your grandfather before me."

"The shadow, after all, is only a shadow that will disappear once the person casting it dies," says Yun leaving the room and leaving Fang in it alone.

Soon Huixiu passed Yun as she wanted to give a slight bow which Yun stopped before sending her to Fang who was waiting for her. Yun returned to Zhen Luo who was accompanied by Mi Shi who was helping her take care of Ai since Zhen Luo was occupied with Min eating.

"When will the war start?" asks Zhen Luo curiously as Yun looked at her seriously.

"Very soon," says Yun knowing that Liu Biao wasn't as healthy as he used to be compared to before and Cao Cao knew it as well thanks to his spies.

It was only a matter of time for Cao Cao to launch a full attack on Jing to take the south of the empire before going for Yang. Yun walked over to Mi Shi and took Ai from her before signaling her to leave since it was a private conversation between him and Zhen Luo.

Ai wanted to play going by her actions which resembled Mulan a lot at her age by going for the sword that Yun was carrying with him.

"Ai seems to want to play even now when the sun is already down," says Yun thinking that Ai might have too much energy.

"She just didn't get to play much today compared to the other days," says Zhen Luo as Min finished eating before Zhen Luo placed her into the crib.

Yun put his sword away while carrying Ai before placing Ai on the bed right in the middle before lying beside her. Zhen Luo joined them once she was sure that Min was asleep and laid down on the other.

"I want you to join your family in Guangling which means that you will go with Lu Bu and his family back. The same applies to my mother, my sister and her family as well as Huixiu and the children. It will be too dangerous to leave you here alone without much protection," says Yun as he was worried about the future which was changing with every passing minute.

"You think that Xiapi will fall," says Zhen Luo as Yun nods.

"It will, that's why I am sending you to Guangling where Lu Bu will reside with his men while I will be at the front fighting against Liu Biao for Cao Cao. I don't want him to get you or the children in his palms just to use you against me," says Yun seriously when he sees Zhen Luo's worried expression.

"What about Fang?" asks Zhen Luo worried since he is Yun's heir.

"He will be joining me in this campaign," says Yun having a bad feeling but he has to ignore it since Fang needs to carry his weight as an adult.

Ai didn't know what Yun and Zhen Luo were talking about but she could feel that it was something serious so she took Yun's hand and Zhen Luo's hand or at least she tried with her tiny hands before saying, "Fun."

Yun and Zhen Luo could interpret this as Ai seeing this serious mood and wanting to change the mood to be more comfortable which she succeeded in with Yun and Zhen Luo smiling at Ai before cuddling her for a bit and falling asleep.

The next day they left Xiapi while Yun was thinking, 'Why am I losing everything around me?'

'It is good to be on a losing streak sometimes,' says Ysmrgra listening to his thoughts as he looked as well upon Yun's family leaving for Guangling.

'What do you want to say with that?' asks Yun seriously thinking that Ysmrgra was making fun of him.

'Do you think Shura got to his position without losing something or the current Godking who sacrificed his son just to spread his religion,' says Ysmrgra seriously before saying, 'Many good people lose some time, but the great people can see through it and gain new strength by continuing walking their path. Don't you want to be remembered forever? Then continue walking on the path you see right.'

'I will try to remember that,' says Yun reflecting on the words Ysmrgra told him.

Once they were out of sight Yun turned his back to the caravan leaving Xiapi to go to the training field since he needed to calm his mind by moving his body until he couldn't any longer.

He went to the weapon rack and took a greatsword from it and began to swing it making everyone look at him since he was swinging it with one hand instead of two like everyone else would do it.

Yun was remembering Tyr's movements which returned rapidly to his mind but his body needed a bit to remember it when he suddenly began to sing a mantra that Tyr taught him while training him.

"Even the greatest warriors fall or fail, but they pick themselves up to try again. If you follow the path of a warrior you will fail and fall a lot but you need to stand up to show the world that you aren't a lightweight that runs when something gets difficult. Stand and fight until your last breath and even then you need to keep standing to show the world that you won't fall even when you are dead," says Yun while swinging the greatsword picking everyone's attention.

They were surprised because Yun is known for his spearmanship but now he was showing great talent in swords which confused many even his son Fang who was watching him at the moment.

"Don't be surprised by that your father has quite the talent for many weapons. He just doesn't show it most of the time since he doesn't want to spoil the surprise for our enemy," says Hua seeing the surprised Fang while the generals just continued training.

Yun was keeping a straight face while feeling sad eating his frustration not showing them to anyone while swinging the greatsword. He tried to let out all of his frustration before finishing his exercise as his mind felt much calmer now.

'I haven't felt like this in ages,' thinks Yun as he walks toward the weapon rack to place the sword back.

He went back to the empty manor finding only some servants who lived in Xiapi and didn't follow him from Zhending or Puyang. He went to his office when he felt someone in it.

"Shouldn't you be with the others, Taiyin? My brother won't be happy about you staying behind while your son is with the others," says Yun a bit angry now since he wanted everyone not needed in Xiapi out of the city which included Taiyin as well.

"I have my duty to fulfill here," says Taiyin appearing before Yun kneeling in front of him.

"Your duty is to your son, Kang. He will need a mother while his father is out there fighting for both of you. I know that you want to return to your former position but right now is not the time," says Yun looking at Taiyin before passing beside her to get to his chair.

"Take the fastest horse and protect our family until this nightmare is over. Once it is over I will let you return to your duty but until then let your brother handle it," says Yun before sitting down and facing Taiyin again.

"Is that an order?" asks Taiyin when she sees Yun shaking his head.

"No, it is a favor I am asking out of you. I don't want my nephew to grow up as an orphan because of my mistakes," says Yun seriously before starting to work again.

"Then I will leave," says Taiyin walking toward the door before stopping under its frame, "Just make sure that Hua returns in one piece or I will never forgive you."

"Don't worry about him. He could even fight Cao Cao's army on his own and win the battle with a child strapped to his body," says Yun remembering that the real Zhao Yun was famous for saving Liu Shan and breaking free of Cao Ren's encirclement with only his horse and spear to his name.

Yun knew that Hua is that Zhao Yun and he had seen it himself when Hua slaughtered Yuan Tan's army with his cavalry. It is one of the reasons why Yun trusted his brother with the cavalry units.

Taiyin leaves the room and goes to see Hua for a final time before leaving Xiapi to catch up with the others on her white horse.