Going Rogue

Yun returned to his camp and gathered everyone to tell them about the orders he received from Cao Cao. They all could hear his spite for those orders as they included killing civilians something their Lord would never do.

"I have new orders for you concerning the civilians. Just scare them off by killing the enemy soldiers," says Yun, modifying the orders a bit.

"What if Cao Cao sees us not following his orders?" asks Pang Tong seriously as Yun smirks at him.

"He can fuck off and do that shit himself. We are soldiers, we are trained to kill other soldiers while keeping the civilians safe from harm. Many might have forgotten it but I haven't nor will I ever forget it.

We will be the Vanguard from this point on. Be prepared for the next battle which is standing right before us since we are surrounded by the enemy.

I will try to helm this almost sinking ship and get us all out of this situation alive without staining our honor with the blood of the innocent," says Yun seriously before sending everyone away except for Hua.

"I have a special mission for you, brother," says Yun picking Hua's attention.

"I want you to find Lady Gan and her maidservants. She might get attacked by some of Cao Cao's men while we are occupied fighting Liu Bei," says Yun surprising Hua who now looked at him confused.

"I thought you hated Liu Bei?" asks Hua confused with Yun's special mission for him.

"I hate him to my core, trust me. But I like his brother, Guan Yu, I want to build a better relationship with him than I already have. Maybe we can get him to join us in the future if he is displeased with his brother," says Yun informing his brother about what he has in mind.

"I see," says Hua understanding Yun since they fought once together with Guan Yu who is a powerhouse just like him and Lu Bu.

"I will keep an eye out for her," says Hua with a smile on his face as he leaves to get his cavalry since he would be faster by using them.

Yun then left to find Pang Tong, who was looking at a map of Jing with Huang Zhong when they noticed where Liu Bei is running off and Huang Zhong says, "Damn, bastard."

"Is something the matter?" asks Yun as he joins them.

"Liu Bei is running off south toward Jiangling. We all know he won't make it that fast while the civilians follow him but he seems to that Cao Cao has a heart and won't attack them. What a fool," says Pang Tong seriously when Zhuge Liang and Yueying joined the group.

They looked at the map and Zhuge Liang says, "We will be at Changban when we catch up to him if we march slowly to maintain our strength and not kill any civilians on our march."

"That's good to know," says Yun trusting Zhuge Liang's words since he was from Jing just like Huang Zhong.

"Did Hua already leave the camp?" asks Yun seriously since he gave Hua an important task to carry out.

"Not yet. He is still gathering his men," says Huang Zhong while looking at the map before him.

Suddenly a messenger arrives at their camp holding a message for Yun from Cao Cao which confuses Yun as he thinks 'Did he finally calm down and began to think with clarity again?'

Yun took the letter from the messenger and read it getting only angrier. He looks at the messenger who looks at him with fear in his eyes.

"Tell him that I will allow it for now," says Yun sounding calm but everyone could see that he was furious at the moment.

The Messenger ran as fast as he could knowing that he was only alive because Yun's fury wasn't directed at him but Cao Cao.

"What does he want now?" asks Huang Zhong angry as well.

"He ordered Cao Chun and his 'Tiger and Leopard' Cavalry to march immediately to help us," says Yun angrily as he turns to one of Dian Wei's men and says, "Tell Hua he needs to leave now if he wants to accomplish the task I gave him."

"Of course, sir," says the soldier leaving immediately to find Hua and inform him of what Yun said.

"He sent his Elite Cavalry to make a way for him. They will kill a lot of civilians to get to Liu Bei," says Pang Tong seriously as Yun places his hands on the table while looking at the map.

"We will have to get the civilians out of the way faster while holding Cao Chun back so we can make sure that 'our' army reaches Changban and Liu Bei first," says Yun while thinking hard about what to do when he thought of something at first but it was rapidly smashed since Shadow was in Guangling and not with him at the moment.

'There must be something that we could do,' thinks Yun removing one hand from the table to hold his head.

"We could try to stall Cao Chun but he could report to Cao Cao that it was us," says Sima Yi who was there the whole time.

"Stall him ourselves," says Yun when he suddenly realizes something.

"Sima Yi, you are a genius," says Yun in a happy tone.

'Took you long enough to think about it. I wanted to give you a little hint a moment ago but it seems you have resolved it yourself,' says Ysmrgra making Yun believe that he had a big smirk on his scaly face.

"Yes, but we will be seen as enemies earlier than we planned," says Pang Tong seriously warning Yun about it.

"Yes, but only if they can identify us. What if a person appears out of nowhere and stalls Cao Chun and his cavalry long enough for Liu Bei to reach the outskirts of Changban with his troops and for our army to catch up to him," says Yun asking rhetorically as he had a big grin on his face which also appeared on Pang Tong's face.

"I see, do you want to have my horse for this suicide mission?" asks Pang Tong with an evil smile when he see Yun nod.

"Why not a white horse is said to bring death after all," says Yun as the others looked confused at Yun and Pang Tong who were already five moves ahead of everyone.

Pang Tong turned to one soldier before saying, "Get us a spare armor that can fit our Lord. He is going to stall a cavalry all by himself."

Everyone was for a moment shocked by what Pang Tong just said while Yun removed his helmet and he says, "I would also need something to cover my face so Cao Chun doesn't recognize me."

"I will bring everything immediately," says the soldier leaving right away to get the spare armor and something that would help to cover Yun's face.

"You can't be possibly thinking of taking them all alone," says Zhuge Liang seriously as Yun only nods.

"I am, I can't take anyone with me on this suicide mission since I wouldn't be able to guarantee them coming back alive. I also won't be able to concentrate if I have to watch out for someone," says Yun seriously before looking at Dian Wei and Zhang He.

"You both will stay here. Cao Chun knows both of you since you follow me around all day long. He would see through our masquerade easily if we three appeared together before him," says Yun seriously making a point since he already would point out just with how big he is.

There aren't many people almost the same height as his and if he appeared with Zhang He and Dian Wei it would be a dead giveaway that it was him.

"How about you take the Wen brothers with you?" asks Huang Zhong knowing that he would also catch too much attention from Cao Chun.

"Are they ready to die today?" asks Yun seriously as Huang Zhong only chuckles at Yun.

"More than that. They are filled with enough hate for Cao Cao and Liu Cong to drag them to he'll themselves if it is needed," says Huang Zhong seriously as he was radiating killing intent from himself while saying, "I would have joined you myself but since I would catch too much attention from Cao Chun, I will stay behind. But they can look after themselves easily so take them with you."

"Then I will take them with me after you informed them that there might be no return," says Yun seriously taking Huang Zhong's word for the three brothers he recruited back in Xiangyang many years ago.

Huang Zhong leaves to inform the brothers when the soldiers arrives with the spare armor before he is ordered to bring another three armors with some help.

Yun took the armor and retreated to his camp to change before returning to the group as they see him in a simple iron plate armor without any markings on it while his head was covered by a white fabric that looked like a shawl that only allowed his eyes to pierce out hiding the rest of his face.

Soon the three brothers, Wen Xu, Wen Xi, and Wen Yu arrived and Yun could see the determination in their eyes when he asks, "Does every one of you at least have an heir to their name?"

"We have, my Lord," say the three in union while kneeling before him.

"Then stand up because you will be sharing the same blood as me today," says Yun as the soldier presented them with the same armor Yun was wearing at the moment.

They changed rapidly out of the group's sight before returning while Yun rammed his greatsword into the ground leaving it there. Then he walked to a weapon's rack and picked the halbert from it before swinging it a bit.

He didn't like the feeling so he put it back and picked the ax beside it since the ax was more reliable than the halbert in his mind. He began to carve into the ax's pommel a symbol that every weapon of his had it was the symbol that would allow the ax to return to his hand.

Once he was done he saw the brothers ready to leave camp ready to die today if they could save some of their friends which were foolish enough to join Liu Bei's words.

Yun walked over to Thunder and told him to follow the army until he returns since it would be suspicious if he appeared on the battlefield he was going to fight against Cao Chun.

Thunder understood Yun but wasn't happy just like Dian Wei and Zhang He who had to stay behind to guard an empty tent while feeling helpless until Yun returns.

Yun jumped on Pang Tong's horse while the brothers received each a spare horse which would normally be used by Hua's cavalry if one of their horses were to die while the rider survived.

"Are you sure about this?" asks Zhuge Liang worried while Pang Tong only placed his hand on Zhuge Liang's shoulder.

"Don't worry, our Lord is far more competent than you might think. He will return in one piece," says Pang Tong confident that Yun would return but he felt pity for the three brothers since they would most likely die following Yun into this battle.

"I owe you a horse, Pang Tong. Remember that when this war is over," says Yun seriously as he was preparing himself mentally for this battle before riding out with the three brothers to intercept Cao Chun and his cavalry.