Father and Son

While I and Lily were stuck in the forest, there was an entirely different story going on with Noel and Anastasia. After I was hit with the chandelier, the two of them rushed to my side. But unfortunately, Ryan's guards towered over them soon after.

Noel aimed his gun at them, but it was pointless. The moment he pulled the trigger, he realized that there were no bullets left in it.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath before throwing the gun away and standing in a fighting stance.

He knew that he had to fight them all off but he also knew that it would be near to impossible.

A few of the guards ganged up on him while another two of them grabbed Anastasia. Just as she was about to fight back, a gun was pointed at her throat. She hesitated for a moment before eventually surrendering. If she tried anything, she'd be shot dead.

Everytime Noel knocked one of them out, another would come as a replacement. He began panting while throwing a couple of punches at them. Ryan just watched his son struggling with a smile across his face. Noel wasn't going to last any longer with them.

Amidst all the chaos, my unconscious body was being carried away into a van. But it wasn't just me. Anastasia was thrown into the van as well. Struggling or fighting back would be pointless, and she also didn't want to leave me behind if she were to escape somehow. She was knocked out as soon as they got into the van.

Noel's punches and kicks grew weaker and weaker with every attack. The last guard standing took it as an opportunity to swing a knife at him. Noel ducked in the nick of time but still felt a stinging pain on his arm.

He kicked the knife out of his hand and punched him in the face as hard as he could with the remaining energy left in him. The man staggered backwards before collapsing on the ground.

Noel was breathing in a ragged and uneven manner. Every muscle in his body was screaming in pain. He leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor. He looked at his arm and found blood oozing out of his torn sleeve. The wound was stinging uncontrollably. He slowly removed his coat and shirt and threw it aside.

He winced as he tore a part of his shirt and wrapped the cloth around the wound tightly.

"I have to get out of here..." He groaned as he slowly stood up and began walking, eventhough his legs would give out any moment.

He was already angry after all that happened in the party, but the fact that the backup team didn't come in to save them even after hearing the gunshots made him even more frustrated.

"What in the hell were those idiots doing outside?!" His veins were popping out in anger and he looked like he could kill someone.

Just as he opened the gate of the mansion, his eyes widened in shock. He was stunned to see blood sprayed everywhere and the officers laying dead on the ground.

"Of course..." He grimaced, "I should've seen this coming."

He turned around to leave after sparing a glance at them.

He walked for a few minutes clutching his injured arm before taking a taxi back to the police department. He found his cell phone broken after the fight, so he couldn't report back immediately.

When he reached the department, he found Prosecutor Elisa racing back and forth anxiously. As soon as her eyes laid on him and his worn out body, she rushed to his side.

"How did this happen? Where are the others?" She asked worriedly. Everyone's eyes were on him.

"They..." He lowered his head, "They were kidnapped."

Her shoulders dropped and she sighed with disappointment. She'd already predicted that something like that or worse might have happened the moment he arrived, but she wasn't prepared to hear him confirm her suspicions. They failed their mission, and perhaps their only chance of solving the case.

"You should sit down first. You're not in a good shape." She glanced at his wounds and frowned.

While she was tending to his wounds, Noel explained everything that happened to him.

"So the killer was Ryan Smith all along?" She gasped. Everyone knew Ryan Smith to be the ideal man in many cities. His contributions for helping the poor, building schools and maintaining the Peace Blossoms Orphanage flooded the people's hearts with respect for him. Although he was rich, he never acted arrogant or looked down upon anyone. That's how the public knew him.

Noel nodded in response.

"I should've kept an eye on his so-called business trips. It's all my fault. And now, Rai and Anastasia are in danger. I couldn't even save them." He hung his head low.

"Don't blame yourself. One person alone couldn't have saved them. But what we can do right now is report to the authorities. Now that we know who the killer is, it will be easier to catch him." She patted his shoulder, "You did a good job out there. For now, go home. I'll take care of things here."

Noel silently stood up and left. Everyone glanced his way sympathetically before getting back to work.

She knew very well how much Noel looked up to his father. He'd always dreamt of being successful like him. Eventhough he tried to mask his emotions and act like he didn't care, everyone in the room knew what a big blow it must've been to him.

Noel reached his apartment and walked straight into his room. He didn't even bother switching on the lights. He took out his wallet and pulled out a photo of himself, his father and a beautiful young woman with silver eyes and ebony hair smiling gently.

"What am I supposed to do now, mom? If only you were here with me..." His eyes stung and a drop rolled down his cheek.

Noel was 3 years old when his mother died in a car accident, leaving him with his father. He hardly remembered his mother, but he knew that she was a gentle woman who loved him dearly.

When his attention fell upon the man standing beside his mother, his eyes turned dark. He tore the photo in half violently, leaving only him and his mother in it.

He crumbled the torn half and threw it out the window.

"I'll make sure to see you begging for your life, Ryan Smith."