Baptismal & Church Wedding Plan

~Infinity Jade Tower~

Catherine was talking animatedly to Sandra in the living room.

"Thank you so much, Sandra, for preparing the menu for the last Sunday family get together, it was a huge success! They love the selection of foods that you have chosen," Catherine said.

Sandra smiled brightly. "Nah, no need to thank me, I just order the menu and my favorite caterer delivered the foods here in your home, it's easy no sweats, I'm glad they love the foods since you let me choose the foods I like not the food you like," she giggled.

"The foods were super delicious, I always trusted your choice of foods you know delicious foods better than I do. By the way, I'm planning baby Angel's baptismal, I want you to be one of her godmothers, would you accept?" Catherine said.

Sandra's face lighted up with excitement. "Yes of course! I love to be baby Angel's Godmother! So, when are we going to start planning?"

"Next month, or if you're not busy, you can suggest to me any wonderful ideas... when it comes to party planning you are gifted naturally. No need to rush though, after the baptismal, the next event that I will be planning is our church wedding. It's one of my life long wish to be married inside the church," Catherine's eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Nice. I will make suggestions and proposals for the two events then you can choose which plan you like, okay?" Sandra said. "Then if you like something... just let me know so we can incorporate it to my ideas, how about that?"

"Yes, I will!" Catherine said beaming. She was feeling glad and grateful that she got a friend in Sandra who is more than willing to help her in the planning. Since she already has two babies to take care, her hands were full, much better that she will give the task of planning to other people who will handle those events, besides planning is not her forte, she's not talented when it comes to planning important events that include inviting lots of people. This time, John wants the entire employee of his Makati business headquarters to attend the baptismal and wedding event and he also included all the general manager of his chains of hotels across the country, so huge planning is needed to make sure the momentous event is a huge success. Sandra's help and input are very much needed during the time of the planning.

Plans were now taking shape on Sandra's head.

"I will be making questionnaires, starting from your favorite flowers, foods you like to be prepared on the baptismal and the wedding and a lot of things. I will be scouting church venues for the baptismal and wedding from now on. But let's focus first on the baptismal event since it will be the first even to take place. By the way, when do you guys plan the baptismal and the wedding to take place?" Sandra asked.

"After my mother-in-law and my sister Caroline come back from Thailand. They will attend the wedding and the baptismal as well," Catherine answered.

"That's nice, we have plenty of time to plan the wedding without rushing, we will make sure the wedding will be spectacular and Instagram worthy," Sandra giggled, jokingly.

Catherine laughed. "I don't have an Instagram account, Sandra."

"No problem, I will help you make one," Sandra said.

Then suddenly her countenance turns sad. She holds Catherine's hands. "I'm sorry about what happened to your sister in the hands of John's brother... my husband and I were shocked after knowing what happen to Caroline and Joseph."

Catherine took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm shocked as well. But I am slowly recovering from the sad events that happened to my sister... and John was recovering as well from his brother's untimely death. The tragedy was shocking, indeed..."

"But after the sad events, I'm glad and happy that you are finally released back to us after being held captive for several months. I will no longer ask about the details of your kidnapping because I'm sure it's very traumatic," she said. "Let's change the topic... I found this boutique that designs beautiful wedding dresses for brides, grooms, and bridesmaid, I will show you their website and let's start browsing on their wedding gowns..." Sandra said, she retrieves her tablet from her shoulder bag and a moment later they began perusing hundreds of gorgeous stunning bridal gowns that were on display of the store's website.


While in the swimming pool area, John and Romeo were discussing Catherine's kidnapping while sipping martini wine on their glasses.

"Catherine's kidnapping still bothering me a lot, bro," John confesses to his best friend.

"Me too, I'm also thinking about who masterminds the kidnapping, was it someone you know?" replied Romeo.

John shook his head. "I think no..."

"It's not a ransom kidnapping either, and your wife was not even hurt physically-? The kidnapping is kind of odd," Romeo commented.

"Could it be just a mistaken identity? Like they kidnap the wrong person and then released my wife?" John brows furrowed.

Romeo's mouth twitched. "It's not mistaken identity bro, if it's the case then they should have released your wife after a few days or weeks... or disposed of her body already by killing her to hide the evidence. But she was released by the kidnappers willingly and that doesn't add up at all."

"You are right bro, my wife's kidnapping was mind-boggling, to begin with. Sometimes I'm suffering severe headache just thinking about it," John admitted.

"I think you should stop thinking about the kidnapping, bro. From now on, forget about it. Enjoy spending time with your wife and your children," advised Romeo.

"But knowing that the mastermind was still out there at large how I can rest my worries behind me? What if they will kidnap Catherine again?" John said.

Romeo was pondering about the question for a moment. "Hmm, I think they will no longer do it the second time around. You know why because they already kidnap Catherine for eleven months and they didn't do anything to her if they are planning something bad to her they should not release her in the first place. And why would they kidnap the same person twice? That won't make any sense at all unless it was an alien who abducted your wife and would behave absurdly just like that. Your wife's kidnapping is the biggest mystery in our life bro. Whatever the motive of her kidnapping and the reason they released her from captivity is something that will remain a mystery unless we caught the mastermind," he commented.