I Also Enjoyed It!

Caroline can't understand herself, fire of desire suddenly gripped her entire body. For some reason she found herself feeling aroused by just watching the two main lead groping each other until they landed in the bed and discarded their clothes in just a short time and their groaning and moaning filled her fuzzy mind. She was also aware that Mike's fingers were caressing the skin on her neck making her more aroused.

Mike cough a little. "Sweetie...I'm going to kiss you...may I?" he asked first not wanting to be a receiver of her slap and wrath.

Caroline tore her eyes off the screen and looked at Mike who's face was inches from hers, too close for comfort as his breath was fanning her face. She doesn't know what happens next but she was aware that she closed the distance between them and pressed her mouth to his lips.

Mike hungrily assaulted her soft lips with savages kisses. He didn't expect that she would be the one to offer her lips to his. They shared a heated kiss as he lay her body down on the sofa trapping her down with his muscular body. As their lips were locked in a fierce duel his hands were busy roaming all over her body groping her soft body parts as intense lust and desire building up in his groin.

Caroline's hands also move on its own, her hands were reaching for his bulging biceps inside his t-shirt.

Wanting to please her, Mike discarded his shirt in split seconds.

Caroline smiled and ran her fingers on his chest.

Mike feels he was floating in 7th heaven, he was always fantasizing that this scene would come between him and her, and it did! He was elated and wanted to taste all of her. Wanting to sustain the momentum, using his strong arms, he carried her into the bed without breaking eye contact with her.

When they are already in the bed they start kissing again, this time Mike's hard erection was already bulging in his underwear. He needs to get it out!

Caroline eyed his lower body and quickly palmed his erection to Mike's delight.

Damn! He was already on fire, he thinks he can no longer contain the pressure of wanting to get inside her.

He immediately discarded her blouse and showered her neck and chest with hot kisses. He runs her lips down on her breast not wanting to free her peak from her bra yet. Instead, he began licking the exposed part of her breast and went ballistic with desire when he heard her moaning in delight as a result of his activity. He freed one of her breasts and sucked on her nipple....not satisfied he freed the other peak and sucked on it as well sending bolts of pleasure in her body.

Caroline's body shuddered in extreme delight, moan escapes her lips. "ummm....ahhhh..."

Mike continues licking and sucking at her nipple wanting to please her more, then he lowered his hands down to the waistband of her shorts, he sneaks his fingers inside and come in contact with her undies...he caresses her legs for a while and was about to insert his fingers inside her underwear but he noticed that she was no longer moaning and moving beneath him...when he looked at her face...her eyes were closed and her breathing was normal.


She falls asleep in the middle of their romancing!

Mike sighed, a little bit disappointed. But it's okay...he realized that it's not yet the right time to go all the way with her because she was a bit tipsy and drunk with alcohol. He would prefer that she will give herself to him when she is sober and not influenced by alcohol.

He leaned down and kissed her soft lips wanting very much to devour her again but he respected her sleep and don't want to wake her up.

With a little bit of difficulty, he managed to put her ample breast back in the confinements of her bra. He then picked up her blouse from the floor and donned it back slowly over her head so as not to awaken her.

He turned off the TV, turn off the light, then went back to the bed and embrace her from behind, spooning her in the process. He covered their body with the blanket. He didn't bother to wear his t-shirt back, he prefers to sleep naked tonight by her side.

Mike planted a kiss on her forehead and murmured... "I love you"... before he closed his eyes to sleep. It feels so good embracing her like this, it made him so happy.

But Mike can't sleep yet. It dawned on him that he was falling deeply madly in love with her and he wanted to keep her by his side forever as his woman and the mother of his future children. With those beautiful thoughts running in his mind, he feels elated. He decided to continue romancing Caroline in his dreams.


The next day. Morning comes.

Caroline has been awake for sometimes listening to the sounds of Mike's heart beating. For the life of her, she can't remember why she comes into his bed and falls asleep beside him. She closed his eyes trying to remember what happened last night?

Then gradually she finally remembers what exactly happened...

She recalled that they watched a steamy romantic movie together on the sofa, then she was sipping wine on the glass, then she keeps demanding for more wine, and she felt hot all over her body and getting aroused by the steamy scene happening on TV.


She finally remembered what happened next! Her eyes widened...

She kissed him on the lips, dang! she initiated the first move! Then they were groping and petting each other...and...

Caroline sighed.

'Don't be over dramatic...you're no longer a virgin!' the tiny voice scolded her out of nowhere.

She inspected her clothes, they were still attached to her body, which means they didn't go all the way. She probably falls asleep halfway and he has no choice but to stop. She smiled a little...tsk...tsk...poor Mike.

Mike shifted on his sleep and disengage from her body, she noticed that he was naked from the waist up. His muscled body has no ounce of fat on it, his taut stomach so inviting...so nice to touch! Then all of a sudden he grows a morning erection, his shorts bulging with his package.

Caroline swallowed her saliva and smiled in amazement.

Mike opened his eyes and looked at her. "You like it?" he winked at her, smirking. "Wanna touch?" he grinned.

Caroline slapped him on the chest. "Pervert!"

Mike chuckled and caught her hand and planted a kiss on her palm. Then he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Good morning beautiful!" he greeted her. "I love you!" he said.

Caroline was taken aback by his confession of love.

She fell silent.

"Do you remember what happen last night?" he asked her when she wasn't saying anything.

"You kiss me on the lips and I died of happiness," Mike answered his question.

"I'm going inside the bathroom," Caroline smiled and left the bed.

Mike sighed a bit, he finds it troubling that she ignored his confessions and she seems to be distant as if what happened last night was nothing and didn't take place between them at all.

Inside the bathroom, Caroline splashes water on her face then gargled some mouthwash on her mouth to freshen her breath, then she combs her messy hair with her fingers, done, she exited the bathroom and sat on the sofa.

Mike entered the bathroom and do his morning routine.

A minute later, he exited the bathroom and donned a fresh white shirt on his body. He went to Caroline's side wanting to have a serious talk with her regarding what transpired last night.

He went down on the floor, facing her, wearing a serious expression on his face. "Car, we need to talk about what happened last night," he said.

Caroline raised an eyebrow then she blinked twice. "Ah, what happened last night? What about it? Don't take it seriously...were just friends with benefits," she said casually.

Mike scratches his head, although he was grateful that she isn't angry at him, he was not happy and satisfied with her answer, he wants more from her, a commitment!

"Hmm...Car...I want us to be more than friends. I don't want flings, because I'm serious with my feelings and intentions towards you. I want us to be in a loving relationship," he demanded.

Caroline released a deep sigh. To be honest she isn't ready yet to enter into a serious relationship.

"Pleaseee...." he begged with puppy dogs eyes.

Caroline stared at his eyes for several minutes. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet," she said. Her first and last serious relationship was with her first love Greg and that was a long time ago.

"Mike, if you feel guilty about what happened last night, you don't have to...I also enjoyed it," she smiled seductively at him.

Mike smiled in return. "But I want you to be my girlfriend! Please...give me a chance," he begged.

Caroline was silent for a moment. Dang! He's so persuasive!

'Hey girl, don't play hard to get, he's a good catch!' a tiny voice reminded her.

"Okay fine, from now on we're officially a couple," she conceded.

"YESSSSS!" Mike's face erupted in profound happiness. His joy as of that moment was immeasurable.

He embraced his girlfriend tightly in jubilation. "I love you!" he exclaimed.

Caroline did not reply to his endearment. She just let Mike enjoy this moment. The truth is... he was such a sweetheart, a gentle soul. It's easy to fall for him 'coz he got everything that a woman can ask for in a lover.

Mike still can't contain his happiness. Right now, his megawatt smile can light the whole city.

"Marry me, please!" he said as a burst of happiness was radiating from his eyes.