Get Out Of My Way!

After exiting the basement, Allison gathered the housemaids and boys in the living room.

"This afternoon after lunch, a visitor will come to visit Lucas. I want every one of you to refrain from mentioning my name to the visitor. Just don't mention my name and everything will be alright, you understand me guys?" she said.

"Yes, Madam!" they replied in unison.

"Good. You can all go back to your duties. Lunch should be early at 11:00 in the morning. Now, prepare the dishes and finish it as early as possible," she commanded the cook.

"Yes, Madam," the cook replied, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to start preparing dishes.

Allison went upstairs to the guest room and rest in the bed. She opened her shoulder bag and fished out her phone.

She placed a call to her brother Alex.

"Hello...Alex!" she said.

"Hello...Ali...where are you?"

"I'm at your home, resting in the guest room upstairs. I just recently talked to Lucas and he is very excited and happy to see Caroline this afternoon. I already informed the housemaids not to mention my name in front of the visitor. Well, you can use my real name though...Danica. Never mention Allison to her or else she will make a connection between us. Just tell her that I'm the sister that resides abroad, end of the story," said Allison.

"Okay, fine," Alex said.

"Where the two of you will meet?" she asked.

"Here in my office. She will come to my office, and from here, I will bring her to the mansion," he answered.

"I will just stay here inside the guestroom while Caroline and Lucas talk to each other in the basement. After you bring Caroline out of the house, inform me. Are you going to tell her about our life story—today?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, she previously asked me how Lucas and I become blood brothers? I will reveal some and leave the rest to Lucas. He has to be the right person that will explain the rest to her," said Alex.

"So...everything is settled then?"

"Yeah, so far so good for Lucas. Let's just hope and pray that Caroline won't change her mind," Alex said. "Bye sister, see you later..."

"Don't forget to inform me that you and Caroline are on the way so that we all can make last-minute preparation," Allison reminded him.

"Okay, got it," said Alex and ended the call at his end.

Allison placed her phone on the bedside table and closed her eyes for a quick nap.


Four hours later.

Eastwood Subdivision.

Caroline was eating lunch at the dining table with the rest of the family.

Done eating, Lily and Jacob left the table.

"Mother, I'm going to the mall. I need to buy diaper and milk for baby Cathy and do some grocery shopping as well," Caroline told her mother.

"Okay, buy some eggs, flour and milk 'coz I'm going to make a pancake for tomorrow's breakfast," said Thelma.

"Alright, anything else?"

"Ah, also buy one whole chicken because I'm trying a new recipe, roasted whole chicken," Thelma added.

"Okie Dokie," replied Caroline. She stood up and headed to the kitchen sink to wash her hands.

Done in the kitchen, she went upstairs and entered the bathroom to have a luxurious shower.

Thirty minutes later, Caroline was putting finishing touches on her self before going out of the house. She wore simple blue skinny jeans and a pink long sleeve chiffon blouse. She let her hair loose at her back and applied red lipstick on her mouth.

Done dressing up, she placed her phone and a freshly laundered handkerchief in her shoulder bag and left the room.

She stared at her image in the mirror for a few minutes, satisfied with what she saw... she's ready to go.

Ah, wait, she has to inform Daniel that she's coming...she took out her phone from her shoulder bag and typed a quick message to him saying...' I'm heading to your office.'

He replied. ' Nice. See you later, can't wait to see you again!' that was his quick odd reply that put a creased on her forehead.

Done reading his message, she put her phone inside her shoulder bag and left the room.

On the way downstairs, she saw her mother Thelma, having a good time playing with baby Cathy in the living room.

She walked to their side and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Bye baby, I'm going to buy your diaper and milk," she said softly.

"Sister, I want a large french fries takeout! Pleaseeee!" Lily begged.

"Hamburger for me, sister, double cheese!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Okay fine, how about you, Mother? What's your request?" Caroline asked, smiling.

"Ah, just Apple Pie!" Thelma answered.

"Alright, I'm leaving now, see you later, guys!" Caroline said and exited the door.

She went to the garage area, opened the car door, and slid into the driver's seat and started the engine.

A few minutes later.

Caroline was driving her car on the open highway, going to the building of the Lopez Group Of Companies (LGC).

Thirty minutes later, Caroline parked her car in the parking area of the LGC Building.

She entered the building and sat down on one of the sofas located in the spacious and elegant lobby, she needs to send Daniel a message informing him that she already arrived in the building.

She was typing on her phone.

When a woman entered the door.

Caroline didn't see the woman entering the door, and that said woman was sending daggers on her way.

Brenda grinds her teeth in anger. She was about to go up to visit Daniel in his office but saw Caroline in the lobby.

Her blood was boiling in a fever pitch.

She walked to the other side of the sofa and pretended to read a magazine, covering her entire face.

She will wait what's gonna happen next...

Ten minutes later.

Daniel exited the elevator and heading to the lobby.

The moment he saw Caroline and locked yes with her, a wide smile appeared on his face.

He sat beside her on the sofa. "You look lovely today," he commented.

Caroline rolled her eyes. Is he stealing Mike's line?

"Thanks for coming, Caroline, This means so much to me. I still have to finish a few important things in my office. This won't take a long time, can you wait in my office?" he said.

"Okay," comes Caroline's short reply.

They rose to their feet and departed from the lobby going to the elevator together.


A pair of eyes were following them.

Brenda was fuming in her seat. The way Daniel smile at Caroline is heartbreaking, he never smiles at her that way. Grrr! What's so special with that woman!? She was pissed!

Due to her anger, her heart was beating fast!

She inhales and exhales air into her lungs, calming her chaotic nerves.

After a minute or two, she stood up heading to the elevator, she has to see Daniel!

She entered the elevator, pressed the button, and wait for the elevator to reach its destination.

A moment later.

Brenda was getting out of the elevator and walking quickly passing the secretary.

"Ma'am, wait you can't get inside. Sir Daniel already instructed us that you are not allowed to enter his office!" Nora said.

Nora's two male colleagues barricaded the door to Daniel's office preventing Brenda to enter the room.

"Get out of my way!" Brenda shouted.

Nora has no choice but to call the head security to send a guard upstairs and send Brenda out of the building.

A moment later, two guards come upstairs and escorted Brenda out of the lobby and out of the building.

"Sorry, Ma'am, starting from today you are no longer allowed to enter the LGC building. It's Boss order," one of the guards said.

Frustrated, Brenda's tears fell from her eyes.

She walked away from the building, eyes fixed on the pavement, she continues walking away... away from the guy she comes to love so much.

Then she paused for a moment, she looked back at the building with eyes full of hatred and pain, "Caroline, you will pay for this one day!" she said aloud prompting the other passerby to look at her.

Brenda wiped her tears dry with her handkerchief. She found a chair under the shade of the tree nearby, it was situated in the small garden, and was part of the LGC building. She sat on the chair not ready yet to leave the premises of the building.