Moving Onto The Next Phase 2

Once February ended, Landon and the workers immediately began working on all his plans for March.

The first thing he focused on was radio manufacturing.

Communication was also essential in times like this.

If there was a serious crisis at hand, how were the citizens supposed to prepare themselves?

Running up and down was never the answer.

Word needed to get out fast, and having a proper means to communicate was key.

When the workers started making these devices... there were a lot of issues, like finding the right wavelength and so on.

But after 3 weeks of constant failure, they had finally reached a breakthrough thanks to Landon.

Landon had just let them be, because he wanted them to make their own discoveries on their own.

Everyday, the workers would focus on their radios and try to solve problems here and there.

It was like a school assignment that they had to finish.