A Whole New World

There was no way that this city would be different from others... or so Santa thought.

F*** it!!!!.... He took it all back.

This place was definitely heaven!!

As he and his crewmen sat in the doubledecker bus with Landon, as their eyes beamed out at all the magnificent buildings and carriages passing by.

They looked around, and ther breathes were almost blown away.

The clean roads ran in a neat orderly grid pattern, that enabled the onlookers to know what was beyond the numerous buildings and narrow roads around the highway.

The beautifully crafted buildings all had various shapes and sizes, that were made from strange materials that Santa couldn't identfy.

While driving in the carriage, he truly felt like he was in another world.

He could see the citizens walking around in their beautifully tailored clothes, as they walked about minding their own businesses.