Coronation Day

The sun sat high up in the sky, as it ignited the world with its glorious radiance.

Like a symbol of joy, its warmth had quickly lighted up the hearts of those below it.

The streets were bustling, and the sounds of laughter could be heard from all around Baymard.

Everyone was jumping around excitedly, as they waited in anticipation for the main festivities to begin.

Today, their king would finally be crowned.

Today was their king's Coronation Day!!


On this glorious day..... no one was obligated to work, as it was considered to be a public holiday for all.

Of course the only ones who could work, were those at the hospitals..... as well as those who were those who were protecting the city walls and Coastal shores

Across Baymard, people could be seen reading numerous brochures around the highways.

To put it simply, the the coronation event would start with a parade.