Car Show

In the blinding rays of the sun's woven brilliance, the birds chirped, the bees buzzed..... and the people walked around merrily, as the hot summer wind gently caressed their cheeks.

What a Fine Day!!



On this marvelous day..... a large crowd of overly excited people could be seen making their way towards 'Baymard's Car Sales & Rental Company'.


"Hurry hurry!

If we're late, then we won't get the Chevrolet BY-2 Volt "

"Do you think that's the only car they have there?"

"Since we haven't seen any other one yet, then I think that should be the only one!"

"Ahhh!.... I cant wait to drive mine to work!!"


Nahh!.... I want to carry my fiance in it!!"

"Me too!!"

"Me too!"



Presently, except for those who made the cars.... most of the Baymardians only knew about 1 type and model of car.

The Chevrolet BY-2 Volt, which is a Hatchback car type.