Targeted Destination: City Of Ivonty

'Gallop! Gallop! Gallop!'

On an isolated merchant forest trail... several men on horseback were quickly making their way towards Ivonty City.


It's been a week and a half since their journey from the Coastal city had begun..... and now, they had finally reached the outskirts of their targeted City.

And unlike the other times where their journeys were peaceful, this time.... they had met with numerous bandits along the way.


Landon raised his right hand in the hair, and instantly...  the people right behind him stopped.

4 minutes later, the entire group of 801soldiers... quickly got off their horses at their Commander's orders.


It was only 5:53 P.M..... so they made camp and went over their plans again.

In summary, since there were 801 soldiers, 400 would rescue the women in the underground camps.... and the other half would focus on rescuing those at the training estates.
