Carona's Future 2

As Adrian passed his time with his new Companions..... Carmelo, Baron Hamilton and Duke Richard, and the rest of the men, were all going through hell in the name of training.


"Move! Move! Move! Move!"

"Din! Din! Din! Din!"

Carmelo and the guys were now having a crash course of what Baymard could offer their knights.

No!!..... their new Caronian soldiers.


They had been given training schedules and class schedules to attend.

And right off the bat, they had to admit that Baymard's training methods were way superior to theirs.


From waking them up early in the morning, to having them do field exercises... their entire life seemed to have speeded up a bit.

They had realized that everything here was done very fast.

If a supervisor said he wanted them to do something in 3 minutes, then they had to do just that..... or get punished.
