
4 days had gone by quickly.... and today, the entire Capital was in festivity.


The celebrations which had been going on for 3 days now.... was like a riot of color, as everyone was hyped up than usual.

The streets were filled with Music and song, as the festive beats continuously lifted the people's spirits.

They clapped, danced and drank.... until they could no longer stand still.


They wobbled, like worms.... as they tried to walk forward.

Some leaned on the walls, while others crawled in the ground.... as they tried to find their homes.

In fact, the streets were all filled with people, sleeping beside the roads, bars, inns, and market areas.


But even with all this going on, something seemed out of place with the celebration.

It was as if they had been forced to commemorate the day... as many of them tried to get home, but were stopped by numerous guards with swords.
