Hertfilia's Most Foolish King

The summer's sun wasn't at its highest pique yet... as it was still 11:52 A.M

But even still, the heat that exuded from it caused several peoples skins to glisten brightly.

Their necks were damp with sweat, as they felt several lone drops of sweat make their way down their backs..... leaving only a twrail of temporary coolness behind.


Even in this heat, the soil appeared to be defeated... as it had been utterly dried out, leaving it all powdery when touched.

Summer was truly one of the most brutal and harshest seasons of the 4.

But even amidst this heat, the flowers bloomed brightly, the trees and grasses looked ever-green and luscious..... and the sky was as clear and blue, and like a painting brought to life.

The echoes of summer were in full display, as it showcased nature's beauty for all to see. 


'Trieee! Trieee! Trieee!'
