Hot Air Balloons

All the overseers couldn't help but feel anxious, as they truly wanted to know if this project was going to be a success or not.

The notion of flight was something that their brains that never comprehended before.

If this worked, then this would be a big leap for mankind!!


For the past 9 days, they had all read the notes that his majesty had given to them..... and the more they read, the more intrigued they became.

But of course usually, they would have 100% trust in his Majesty's projects.

But this time, even they themselves couldn't help but be a little doubtful on the matter.


Even if the theory made sense, something in them still couldn't believe that man could fly. 

But at the same time.... this feeling also made them feel some sort of push to get the job done faster and more efficiently.

For them, this was the biggest project of all.