Ngum City

4 weeks had gone by, and Landon had finally reached Ngum City.

Of course, he had separated with Beri and his team a week ago at Zhuli City.

Ngum city was also known as the city of ill-luck.

Too many people within the city died every day, causing its population to constantly plummet down.

Looking at the streets, compared to all the other cities, as well as even villages..... one would think that this place was a massive dumpster instead.

It seemed like the people here had given up and resigned their fates to death.

If not, why would anyone continuously live with so much dirt without even bothering to clean it up?

Passing through the city's streets, Landon and his men could tell from the single glance how bad the hygienic conditions of this place were.

The people had constant boils, pimples and rashes all over their bodies all year round.