New Info

Once they arrived at the Port, they parked their vehicle within the regions meant for workers and guards within the port.

Since the news reporters were all over the place  Landon and the gang had decided to use the side doors that were meant only for security personnel.

As soon as they stepped out of the door, 2 burly security men quickly came forward and greeted them.

These men didn't know anything about the reason why Landon visited.

But all they knew, was that their Chief Security officer had told them to wait down here for Landon and take him up undetected.

So they had been here ever since.

They then did their best to maneuver Landon and the rest around the building, while using only the doors and rooms for the staffers and security personnel.

And after a bit, they finally took one of the security elevators and ended up on the highest floor of the building.