The jig Was Up!

Everyone kept wondering how the liar in the group could be.

Why would the person lie if he wasn't guilty?

The most surprising thing to them, was how this inspector was able to tell if they had any visitors in their rooms or not.

Of course amongst them, there was one person who's heartbeat increased nervously.

Inspector Morgan looked at them and smirked.

"As I said, all except 1 of you was telling the truth.

Mr. Hemrew, I think you can stop pretending now."


Hearing that, everyone's eyes bulged out in shock when they heard Hemrew's name.

He was the most unlikely in their opinion.

He was the shy one of the group, and always needed convincing whoever they wanted to do anything.

Did the inspector make a mistake?


"Yes.... for a lot of untrained civilians, you might be able to fool them.

But... I'm sorry to say that, your luck has finally run out.