Finally Here!


Today, the whole place resembled that of a snow-globe.

The blizzard came with nature's determination, and swept across the land from all directions.

The flakes covered the ground, as well as the people who were moving on the streets and roads too.

The snow became so thick, and everywhere was light, crystal-looking and white.

And at around 8 A.M, the entire phenomenon came to an end.

The sun slowly rose up, giving some sort of warmth to the place.... as its dim rays gently touched Hertfilia.

The stormy blizzard had been raging nonstop for more than 12 hours now.

It began yesterday at around 7 P.M, and had finally come to a cease-fire around 8 A.M today.

Within Riverdale city, several men were currently wearing their newly purchased winter coats.... which they acquired from one of the stores within the city.

Apparently, the city had run out of winter