The Shaolin Way


Welcome to The 'Shaolin Sector!"


Everyone couldn't help but feel confused amidst their excitement.

Shaolin sector?

What was that?

They thought that the name was very weird, as they had never heard of anyone or thing with that name at all.

Could the name have been an acronym or something?

In truth, Landon didn't want to change the name, as he felt that it would be slightly disrespectful to the Shaolin masters back on earth.

Besides... The name 'Shaolin' was so unique and martial artsy, that Landon couldn't come up with a better name for it.

That's why he stuck with it like glue.

Of course, those in this sector would still have to take their regular military courses since they still needed to be efficient with guns and so on.

They could just treat their regular military classes as a full job, and come to this sector and train here like as if it were mandatory gym time, karate class time and so on.