A Royal Insult


Please step out of all 12 Carriages and standby for a full body and carriage search.

I repeat!

Please step out for a full body and carriage search."


Skye and his men couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Did these oafs just ask them to step out?

What the hell?

This wasn't how the script was supposed to go!

"Your highness!

I think that these people are mad.

Do they expect, a royal prince like Prince Skye to just stand outside like a common peasant?

Your highness, this is an insult to you!"

"Yeah, your highness!

These people are just too much!!!!"

The tension In the air seemed to be amplified, as the men within Skye's carriage were all engulfed in rage.

Their breathing became heavy and their minds seemed to think about just one thing: Kill!

They unconsciously held onto their swords as if they would draw them out any moment from now.