Family On The Way

'Bam! Bam! Bam!'





What the hell was going on here?

Skye's men looked at their noble master in shock.

Were their eyes deceiving them?

They blinked severally just to be sure 

One should know that their master was outstanding when it came to swordplay.

And even they couldn't measure up to him.

But who would've thought that they would meet an abnormal lady today?

As they watched their master get his ass kicked, their faces grew even more distorted.

I mean, the lady even jumped onto his shoulders, squeezed his neck and somehow managed to bring him to the floor in one swoop.

And from there, she kept punching him like crazy.

She even slid under his legs at one point and punched them as well.

Of course one shouldn't forget how she kicked their master's chin while doing a backflip.

'Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!'