Cursed Pirates!

'Shrh! Shrh! Shrh!'

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Mitchen and his team moved stealthily with their heat vision on.

And any beast that they spotted, they tranquillized its ass swiftly.

They couldn't afford any loud cries or disturbing noises that could affect them.

And very quickly, they found themselves near their targeted pirate base.

It was already past 1 in the morning and the majority of people were sound asleep on the ground.

But of course, some of them startled alert to overlook the scene, lest any beasts happen to venture into their base and attack those sleeping around.

They could go to their rooms and sleep there.

But for many, there was just something about sleeping in the summery out night starry night that made them feel alive and vibrant.


The loud sounds of snoring could be heard all around the camp, as well as the sounds of those on the night shift talking and telling tiles here and there.