Who did this?


What now?


--Magoon Island--

The Autumn winds whistled gently as it whispered its beautiful song for all to hear.

The leaves had started wilting, turning several hues of orange and yellow.

The night had no stars above, as it lay naked across the sky.

The sounds of wolves echoed out through the woods through the very silent night.

Everything looked peaceful and calm, bringing peace across the land.

But peace and calmness were far from what some were feeling right now.


Who did this?

A group of burly, arrogant and fierce men advanced vigilantly while observing the scene before them.

What in heaven's name happened here?

The group of men were over 2,000 in number.

With one look, one could tell who they were.

That's right.

They were pirates.

What the hell happened to their base?
