Get Him!

The pirates were really pissed!



Josh, who was already lying on the ground, quickly tilted to the side, avoiding the blow coming his way.

Very quickly, he kicked the pirate back, making him knock the other pirates behind.


The pirates quickly lost their footing in this slippery weather and fell onto puddles of water.

But Josh wasn't done yet.

Other pirates were coming at him from the sides, while some tried to sneak from his back.

The Pirates weren't allowed to harm, stab or brutally harm him yet.

So they were only left with the option of using their fists or something else that wouldn't heavily injure him.

Dammit. They truly wished to slice him into pieces.

But who made him important?


"You son of a b**ch. Take this!" One of the pirates yelled before sending several brutal punches all at once.