The Jig Was Up!

~Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!~~

Right before their very eyes, a few others on the third inner formation line, witnessed those on the 2nd line lose their body parts like magic.

Illusion! Illusion!

This was definitely an illusion, right?

Seeing this scene, they shook their heads in disbelief and prayed again for more blessings.

If they finally won this war, they would give up half their wealth to Dragmus as offerings.

At the same time, some believed that this move was done by some of the secret and rare beasts aboard the Baymardian ships.

It seemed like the stories were true.

For Dragmus and their own safety, they must win this war!


Back on the first formation line, chaos reigned supreme there!

One of the dragias, who had just managed to evade the raining bullets, tripped over a dead body amidst the fog of smoke and fell with a loud bang hitting his chin.

But how could he feel pain now?