Someone has been here!

Very quickly, the hidden guard took the envelope and hurriedly stepped back into the room before locking the door and handing the envelope to Ezenia.

"Everyone, come out."


6 more clouds appeared from their hiding positions and went down on bended knees: "Mistress."


The rest joined the 7th Cloud and waited calmly at the side.

Seeing the envelope, Ezenia's heart sank in uncertainty.

"So you couldn't detect the person? "

"No, mistress.

Whoever dropped it off was too good.

It might be my imagination, but I don't think such a person with those skills can belong to any assassin guilds within Deiferus.

The guilds here are unworthy of such a skilled person."

Ezenia's pupils dilated at what one of her Clouds had said.

The person talking was amongst the top 18 highest-ranked assassins in Deiferus.

