Rounding Things Up!


Vladomod blinked in disbelief at his predicaments.

Everything happened like a dream.

Did... Did he miscalculate things?

Mitchen crouched down, still acting coldly since the show wasn't over yet.

And even though Vladomod could only see his eyes, the cold and arrogant look there was all he needed to see.

As they say, the eyes were windows to the soul.

He stared at Vladomod calmly.

"Heh. I have to admit that for a moment, I thought I would fall under your hands.

Luckily, I noticed that the way you fought or stood was heavily dependent on your left.

And coupled with your flinching, I knew that you have some old injury around the right side of your belly.

The wound should've opened up again after all the fighting we did.

Isn't that right?" Mitchen said slyly, giving his playmate time to digest it all.

And just as he expected, Vladomod's pupils moved chaotically in alarm.