Adonis' Wrath

Andrew's blood boiled with bloodlust the closer they got to the Palace.

'Mother, Father... Just wait a little longer.'


Their units were off!

But while they were ready for battle, within the palace seemed utterly clueless about their arrival.

If one had ever gone to a big city before, they would know that even if something big happens in one end, it might not necessarily reach another end, leaving a few people clueless.

Of course, if they had launched nuclear bombs, then for sure, everyone would've heard it.

With nuclear bombs, half of the city, if not all, would've been wiped out... So that was hard to ignore.

But in today's case, they released tube missiles from the vehicles that were capable of destroying just the gates without breaking down the walls, and that was that.

Even the hand grenades some of them threw could only carry sound so far.
